A bunch of little guys and ONE BIG GUY!

The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History is about 11 miles from where I live. Last weekend I ran down to the museum while my family drove and met me there. I am toying with the idea of signing up for an October half marathon, so I decided to 'try on' how 11 miles would feel.


Once we met up and arrived at the museum, we went through the metal detectors and had our bags searched. Admission to the museum is free but they are definitely tight on security in downtown Washington D.C.

Of course, my husband had his pocket multi-tool confiscated AGAIN!

One day we'll remember to leave it at home when we might be faced with such an obstacle. Those things are just so dang useful though! My favorite new use for the multi-tool on his keychain (rather, the one that we need to replace on his keychain) is to cut drinking straws in half and put one in each of the water cups for the kids when we are at restaurants. Full length straws inevitably result in tipped cups, so the half-length straw is a great workaround.

Multi-tool, I miss you!


Anyway, the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History has many exhibits ranging from Ocean Life to Anthropology. They have a butterfly exhibit and live tarantula feedings. There is also a large hall dedicated to all things mammalian.

Here are a few snapshots of some of the little critters that I thought were so stinkin' cute! Oh, and one big giant critter, also cute.









Oh, and because I know you're wondering, I'm happy to report, no blisters or injuries. I listened to the psychological thriller podcast "Homecoming" the whole way down. Pretty good stuff!

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Photos by @jaymorebeet, taken on 8/12/2017 with a Canon 7D Mark II.

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