BeauTifuL! HoLy CoW πŸƒ! Mushy πŸ„-Thailand πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡­!

I came past this beautiful cow on one of the back trails on the island and thought I'd share some pics and story.
She was super friendly and came up to me as I approached her.

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The care takers will bring them to eat back the grass and crap πŸ’©near to various fruit trees throughout the jungle to enrich their harvest.
In this area there are Palm, Coconut, Durian and Mango trees to name a few.
The dung can be harvested to be sold as fertilizer as well.

Additionally, Thailand is known to produce some of the most POWERFUL Psilocyben cubensis Mushrooms (magic/psychedelic) known to man!
These grow abundantly from the Cow dung during the rainy season.

I have met some people who treat the cow like a Holy Animal and do not eat them. They are cared for and loved for all they give... For some, the "spiritual" experiences had from the Mushrooms harvested from the dung.

Some art I came past on the island.

It's all interesting to say the least... 😎

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Definitely a well taken care of, loved cow. Beautiful scene to share and I do hope you all get to experience some of those sacred mushrooms πŸ„...
Just say'n... for a friend πŸ˜πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Ž

I hope you all enjoyed the pics! Wish you all well wherever you are in the world.
Stay well and Steem on!

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