Remembering Our Loved Ones

There are all kinds of customs and habits in the world, some are only in some countries, others are already spread worldwide. November the 1st is a special day in my region, we have this custom others don't have. The biggest and most know event during this period is Halloween which is not traditional in my country, although the younger generation seem to love it.

In this special day we're remembering out loved ones that are no longer with us. I remember I did a blog last year about this habit or custom (I don't know which one is the best expression but I guess it doesn't matter). We call it halottak napja in Hungarian, which translates into the day of the deceased, but according to Wikipedia it's called All Souls' Day. This is only in Transylvania as Hungary has other traditions.

Mindenszentek Napja, which translates into All Saints' Day is celebrated in Hungary on the 1st of November. This habit first appeared in 741, during the time of Pope Gregory III as a day of remembrance. Louis the Pious had recognized the day officially. The next day there's All Souls' Day.


Prior to this day we go to the cemetery and clean the graves. This is necessary as autumn means fallen leaves everywhere.


As a photographer, I love these scenes.


How can you not?


It looks like time has stopped and in a certain sense it has.


Usually the leaves are cleaned out of the way but this year I've been faster than the cleaner and have managed to take some good shots.


As I was saying, on the 1st of November cemeteries are filled with flowers and candles. People are coming to visit their loved ones, bringing flowers, lighting candles and saying prayers. It's a very old tradition that is still alive.


This weekend I've been to three cemeteries as we have relatives buried in different places and cities. Yesterday was only the 26th, still a few days to go but nowadays people go when they can and especially when the weather is favorable. I believe the deed itself is more important than the date. The weather forecast says it's going to rain next week. That's why cemeteries were full of people this weekend.


Chrysanthemums are specific to this event. The photograph above was taken at the entrance of the cemetery. This is only one place as there were other vendors as well. You however should be aware, these flower are overpriced, they cost at least twice as much as you pay at the greenhouse.


I have a place, a greenhouse where I'm always buying the flowers for this event. They have a great variety of flowers and the prices are reasonable.


This is another cemetery, a very different one. Cities are crowded, space is limited, therefore cemeteries are crowded too. In small villages the situation is very different. Space is not so limited, cemeteries are not so crowded, graves are at a decent distance.


Entering a village cemetery gives you a different feeling. Here you can really say people are resting. It's a very different feeling, time has really stopped in these places.



Today when I was coming out of the cemetery, I saw a few elderly people cleaning graves and these scenes made me thinking. There was an old man with a walking stick, it was heartbreaking. Imagine these people losing their loved one who they have spent their whole life with, and being alone without a purpose in life or without people who care about them.


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