The Beauty of Ice in Nature

I travel a lot to cold regions for work, like Antarctica and Alaska. I try to photograph as much as I can to share the amazing experience with everyone who is interested. A lot of times I focus on wildlife photography because of my biology and marine biology background. But imagine my surprise when ice became one of my favorite photo subjects.

You may have seen amazing pictures of glaciers before but have you seen a cave made entirely out of ice under a glacier? Or what about a massive iceberg stranded on the shoreline at low tide? Check out the photos here for a different look at an unusual photo in nature.

An iceberg that broke off from a nearby glacier and was stranded on the shoreline by one of Alaska's 20ft (6m) tidal changes.

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A closeup photo of an iceberg in Antarctica. An artistic view of the striations of ice that make up this thousand year old iceberg.

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Ice, fog, and an ominous sky combine for a photo like none other. View from Cuverville, Antarctica.

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Meltwater from a glacier carves out a cave under the Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, Alaska. It is dangerous to go into as it might collapse at any moment but I think it was worth it for the chance to photograph this moment in time.

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A mix of penguins, ice, and my work... all in one photo.

A view from my kayak. Chunks of ice are trapped in a little rocky cove near the face of Dawes Glacier in Alaska.

Water still rushes past the frozen icicles in this long exposure on the Brewster River in Vermont, USA.

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I love taking guests to 'ice gardens', places where ice bergs of all shapes and sizes get stranded on the shore during extreme low tides.

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Some of the icebergs are bigger than others. Notice the zodiac filled with expedition cruise guests for size reference.

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The color of ice pops against the background of a dense Alaskan rainforest covered mountain.

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I have to finish with the incredible blue, the like of which you can't find anywhere else in nature, except these incredibly dense, ancient goliaths of ice.

Hope you enjoyed,
Dai Mar Tamarack

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