The Assignment: Antarctica

Part 21 in my Journey to Antarctica. If you enjoy the stories and photos, please comment and let me know!


Many of my fellow Steemians may be wondering what I was doing in Antarctica in the first place. Well, today, I'm here to tell you a bit about that.



Whereas most photographers go to Antarctica to take photos of the landscapes or wildlife, I was there for what would, off the bat, seem like a counter intuitive reason: I was taking photos of people. I was hired by a travel company to take photos of Asian faces for their marketing brochures in what is becoming a very fast growing Chinese market.



A focus on the Asian market is a fairly new approach for this company, and most marketing materials they had featured Caucasian faces having a blast in Antarctica, but that does not have as much of an appeal to the Chinese market, as it is less relatable to them.


Enter me. This is pretty much a dream assignment and something that belongs on everyone's bucket list, so when given the opportunity, I jumped at the offer. As well as taking the images of people interacting with the environment for their marketing materials, I was also able to work on my own images and story, which I have shared with you via the previous 20 posts.


There is one final post of Antarctica after this one, where I will share images that didn't make it into the main narrative, but after that, I'll be sharing images from another one of my adventures.



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