Surreal Scenes. Antarctica

Part 19 in my Journey to Antarctica. If you enjoy the stories and photos, please comment and let me know!


Imagine you wake up one morning and the world is not what you believed it was. It's Narnia, Middle Earth, Westeros or whatever other magical place you want to conjure, but whatever this place is, magic is real.

Una's Tits. That's really what these peaks are known as.

This is what it was like waking up day after day in Antarctica. No matter the time, it was never truly dark. A glow was always present if it wasn't full daylight. The landscapes always seemed surreal. Like nothing on earth could naturally create the scenes before you, and yet, there they were. The water was too calm for an ocean, glassy almost, and the way it reflected the skies was just not possible unless you were on the calmest of lakes or a Hollywood set. It just didn't make sense, and yet, it is one of the most natural places on Earth.

Taken at 10:30pm. Still "sunset" light.

Antarctica, although in the not so distant past was farmed and abused for its whales, is now one of the most protected places on Earth. It's only because of it's pristine nature that it exists in the state it is, and when you put your feet on land there, you know that there is a good chance that you in the history of the human race, only the tiniest of fractions of humans have done the same.

Lots of penguin feet on antarctic land, though.

It's a magical place.


The mysterious continent.

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