Strap in: Antarctica.

Part 15 in my Journey to Antarctica. If you enjoy the stories and photos, please comment and let me know!

Where do you think the chinstrap's name comes from?

As we approach Antarctica, the islands sitting off the coast look primeval. Jagged peaks thrust out of the sea, extending their massive claws towards the skies. A fog surrounds the lands. Gray clouds hang around, creating an aura of mystique as we cruise by.

The start of a penguin highway.

Upon our first landing, we come to a colony of chinstrap penguins. Life here is harder than in South Georgia, and although there are still many, no longer does it seem to be an endless field of life amongst these colonies.

Squawk at the sky.

Here, the patches of rock that appear between the snow serve as the foundation for these colonies, but even so, life does not just go on, it thrives.

Hopping along.


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