See Through My Eyes: The Magic of Focus

Hi friends ...
I want to start by saying a million thank you to you guys for your support, upvotes and comments on my introductory post yesterday. I was really glad at heart and felt truly welcomed.

I look forward to taking you on my tours to different beautiful places in Nigeria and the the diaspora as well and am sure you would enjoy the adventure.

I literally started my journey as a walkabout like a shared in my first post and i have learnt several life lesson along the way. In the thrill and splendour of all my adventures one basic magical lesson i have learnt is the magical power of focus.

Especially when i travelled alone it is one skill i required and had to learn in the art of photography if was to get the kind of imagery i desired in the different locations i toured.

You know we live in a beautiful world that offers us seemingly an endless amount of opportunities to capture awesome photographs, capturing the moment is vital.

"Always remember, your focus determines your reality" ... Qui Gon to Anakon star wars

In my experience undivided focus is the predicator as to whether you will achieve your set goal or not. I have learnt the lesson of taking a focused shoot one at a time to achieve the desired image of the object of my capture. The result of such focus is always magically superb.

You know sometimes in life we want to achieve several times all at once and thus our focus is divided and in the long run we end up not perfecting any of the goals on our list.
Maintaining your focus on your goals one at a time you've won half of your battles to success. It helps reduce the stress and you enjoy your life to the fullest.


I would love to share some tips that has helped me achieve great success out there in the field.

  1. Before you start out, check the weather. A sunny day is not that favourable and so its best in my opinion you do your shot during sunrise and sunset.
  1. Timing is important as well.
    Depending on what you are shooting, your best timing should be within a 40-45minutes window.
    45mins window after and around same window foe sunset.

  2. Look for shade if its really sunny out.

  3. Use as low as a ISO as your camera will allow ( 100 foe canons and 200 for Nikons)

You have seen a stunning picture of a sweeping mountain landscape, you have marveled at a beautiful central sunset. I personally use Canon and one of my favorite wide-angle lenses is Canon 17-40mm f/4.0L.
Its part of the cannons elite lenses and quite affordable as well.

Photography is an easy art once you understand the basic parameters especially with the power of focus. You know everything has a general principle and regulations. Basic photography from film camera to our smart phones are all easy ... Its just a game with light and how you can control it. That is the tip for having a quality capture.
See you in my next post. I look forward to your upvotes and comments

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