Pinoy foods.png

I've been to the Philippines several times and funnily enough, a lot of my readers are from the Philippines - this wasn't planned, and happened naturally so, it's only natural that I want to share my experiences of my visits. I write a lot about food, mainly gravitating towards recipes, but I also like to share my thoughts and views on the tasty - and - not so tasty things I have eaten.

The Philippines is known for its interesting cuisine, both traditional and street food. I've tried and loved both types and I'd like to share my list of foods you should try when you visit the Philippines.


Sisig is one of those dishes that is common amongst people who are drinking and usually served as "pulutan" (Something you eat whilst drinking). It's made from parts of a pigs head, usually the ears, cheeks, and nose, coupled with the liver and pork belly. These parts are boiled and then chopped into small pieces and then fried. Chopped chillies and onions are also added to make it spicy and a great accompaniment to any drinking session!


Lechon is one of those things you would have at a celebration and is something to share with the whole family. Lechon is a roasted suckling pig and everything is used. I purchased one of these for my sons first birthday and the parts that weren't eaten were turned into sisig. Nothing was wasted! The skin is one of the most prized parts and guests of honour are usually presented with the first piece.


This snack is one that's often featured in a lot of "insert country here" tries videos, and is usually met with mixed feelings. I, personally, didn't like it but I can appreciate why people might. In essence, this is a boiled egg complete with a developing duck embryo and feathers, lots of feathers. It's eaten directly from the egg and usually served with vinegar.


This is a personal favourite of mine, and I often cook it in our household. Sinigang is a sour and savoury soup dish made with tamarind - to give it the sour taste. It's traditionally made with pork, but other varieties exist. Other ingredients include; onions, garlic, radish, green beans, water spinach (kang kong), okra and chillies. I'll be uploading my recipe for this dish soon.


My list wouldn't be complete without this dish as it's one of the most popular dishes in the Philippines. Adobo is essentially a cooking process which involves marinading meat and/or vegetables in a garlic, vinegar and soy sauce. The meat is then fried in oil and then simmered in the marinade creating a flavour-some and hearty dish.

That concludes my list. What do you think about it? Do you feel that I missed anything out? I'd love to hear about some of the dishes you would recommend we try!

I am the creator of this content and links to my Steemit account (This one) can be found on the origin of this material. (Sweet Elyse Blog)

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