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Pumpkin - Medicinal Plants for Maag Disease

Do not always have to take medicines that are widely distributed on the market to reduce gastric inflammation or ulcer, you can also eat pumpkin yolk every time. Because the content of karetenoid, or beta-carotene, potassium and iron in it is useful to relieve heartburn. That is true?
In addition to fruit pumpkin leaves can also be consumed into vegetables. But this time I discussed the benefits of pumpkin only.


Unhealthy habits to maintain eating patterns and eating unhealthy foods make many Filipinos suffer from ulcer disease or stomach disease. Interestingly, based on statistics conducted by many health agencies in the Philippines, the number of people with this disease continues to grow every year. In fact, the estimated amount is greater than the amount obtained from the results of research.

Usually, if this one disease recur again, our society often use drugs as a solution. In fact, in addition to medical care, gastric inflammatory disease or maag can also be appeased by eating pumpkin, Although pumpkins actually include a wider group of plants, such as water gourd, snake pumpkin, squash, and beligo.


Unlike other pumpkins, yellow pumpkins may be consumed after cooking (usually orange). The flesh feels crunchy, sweet and sometimes slightly sour. Not only that, this one fruit is also relatively large size, round (oval), has a fruit leaf curve that looks clear, and hard. The yellow color of the yellow pumpkin is due to the content of karetenoid or beta-carotene which is one of Provitamin A and as an antioxidant, and potassium and iron.
The content of karetenoid or beta-carotene, potassium and iron in the yellow squash is believed to relieve gastric inflammatory disease or ulcers if taken regularly. As known, rubberenoid or beta-carotene acts as a yellow-orange pigment which if ingested in the body will turn into Vitamin A. This vitamin is very useful for eye health, skin health, immunity and reproduction.

How To Consume


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How to consume pumpkin to relieve gastric inflammatory diseases or ulcers is very simple. You simply wash the yellow pumpkin with running water, then cut into small pieces like a dice. The pieces are then boiled until cooked. This pumpkin stew can be eaten after or before meals in a serving of small dishes every day.
Healing perceived after consuming pumpkin is adjusted to the severity of maag disease suffered. If the disease is still mild, then within a month of maag disease can be cured. However, it is likely that the disease will recur again if you re-consume the trigger factors of gastritis such as spicy and acidic foods. Therefore, after consuming this pumpkin you are also encouraged to run a healthy lifestyle and regular eating and eating.

Best Regards : @alreina740

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