Tiny's paleo meal plan #4

Hi guys

I’m not going to bore you with another tip of the week today. The one thing you need to remember, is to balance out your meals with your portion of protein (about the size of your palm), your portion of fat, and your veggies.

But we knew that already, right? Instead of a tip, I’d like to share one of my favourite indulgences with you: my paleo hot cocoa:

  • Warm up a cup of almond milk, and add some nice dark chocolate.
  • Stir until it’s melted and incorporated.
  • Add a pinch of cayenne pepper and a pinch of cinnamon.
  • If you like your cocoa a bit sweeter, add a touch of honey or another paleo sweetener.

I’m having a cup as we speak. There is no better comfort than a cup of paleo cocoa to curl up in front of a fire with. Well, i’m not curled up in front of a fire. I’m sitting in front of a fire and trying to balance a laptop and my cocoa. But those are just details.

So what’s for dinner?


Grocery day! Yay!


Slow cooker baked sweet potato (pop it in there on Friday night and set a timer) with a poached egg and avocado.


Hamburger with a portobello bun, cucumber slices and homemade mayo


My Zoodles alla Puttanseca

Zoodles alla puttanesca.jpg


Prep day.

Sunday morning breakfast:

Sweet potato toast (You don’t need a recipe for this: cut a sweet potato lengthwise into toast-thickness slices and pop them in a toaster) with almond butter, banana slices and blueberries.

Lunch: Scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and fresh spinach leaves.

Dinner: Worthy Pause’s Paleo Hashweh, A Libanese style “rice” stuffing. We’ll be doing it with cauli rice though. I often substitute the beef mince for lamb mince for a different flavour.


You began on saturday when you prepped a batch of Bone Broth in a slow cooker. You get to strain and reduce it today.


Spiralize a sweet potato and refrigerate the swoodles. Do the same thing with a zucchini.
Make some frittata cups and do a batch of hard boiled eggs.
Oh, and make some of Nom Nom Paleo’s Magic Mushroom seasoning powder. It’s worth its weight in gold. I’m never without it.



Apple onion hash: Fry some ground pork or beef, add thinly sliced onion and apple strips, and a handful of swoodles as well. Season with salt, pepper, turmeric and cinnamon.


Leftover Hashweh, of course


Pan fried pollack fillet with celeriac mash.



Spinach omelet with avocado


AIP Ramen zoodles (Grab a mason jar and add: three spoonfulls of your gelled bone broth, a teaspoon of Magic Mushroom powder, and stuff the jar with zoodles. If you want other veggies, you can add those. For a deluxe version, add some prawns in there. When your lunchbreak comes around, pour boiling water over the top and let the heat work it’s magic and cook your noodles for about 5 to 10 minutes. You can actually prep these ahead of time if you want, too.


Paleo plantain pancakes (Get a nice browned plantain, cut into slices and toss into a blender, along with three eggs and some coconut flour. Make pancakes and serve with coconut nectar or a fruit juice reduction). I love brinner, or breakfast for dinner. Don’t you?



Apple onion hash.


Frittata cups


AIP pizza made with He wont know it’s paleo’s AIP pizza crust (For an AIP topping, use pesto, artichoke, mushroom, arugula and strips of chicken, for example, but really, you can top it with whatever you like)



Frittata muffins


Mason jar salad with fennel, orange and arugula with a citrus dressing, hard boiled eggs.



AIP Whole New Mom’s Egg roll in a bowl



Ramen zoodle soup


Leftover Egg roll in a bowl


AIP The Paleo Mom’s [Chicken avocado cups]https://www.thepaleomom.com/guest-post-rach-mojo-chicken-avocado-cups/)

You know by now that I always end with a tip of some sorts. Last week I think it was about prioritising your kitchen real estate.

This week I want to talk about something completely different.

If you decide to drastically change your lifestyle and eating habits, you better be prepared for some hard work. It’s not a walk in the park. You’ll have to wean yourself off of milk and sugar in your coffee. You’ll have to start thinking about your lunch and planning ahead instead of slapping together a couple of sandwiches.

Will you succeed instantly? You might… Or you might not. But remember one thing: the only way to fail, is to give up.

A part of you, the part that likes it’s quick fixes of chocolate and cookies and pizza, wants you to no longer try. It doesn’t care about your health. It cares about gratification. The faster the better. That part of you is the voice that tells you things like “Oh, you already ruined your diet today, might as well go all out now,” or “You can’t do this anyway, why even try?”

Is that the only part of you there is? No. It’s not even the part that’s in control. YOU are in control. when you fail for a bit, as most people do from time to time, recognise that it happened, but realise that it’s OK. You can always try again.

You will NOT fail, unless you give up on yourself--on your health.

Sorry about the preaching, but I do believe that with tolerance, patience and love for yourself, you can do whatever you feel you need to do.



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