Tiny's paleo meal plan #3 (50% of SBD payout pledged to @tarc for a very worthy cause)

Hi guys

Are you ready for week three? I know I am. I have a busy week ahead of me, so this week’s meal plan is all about quick fixes. I’m going to rely heavily on my slow cooker.

Remember to incorporate a portion of protein and a portion of healthy fat in each meal. This will help keep your body fueled in between meals. I know I’ll need it. Snack times will be few and far between. As always, focus on listening to your body. It will tell you what it needs. Getting hungry way before dinner time? Try to add a little more healthy fat or a carby veggie to your plate.

One protein source I want to talk to you about is eggs. When people look at my meal plan, another question is: “Aren’t you eating just a little too much eggs?” or “Aren’t you worried about your cholesterol?” I always respond with: “Hell, no.”

So let’s talk eggs and cholesterol. Cholesterol is transported in the bloodstream. And if the levels are too high, it’s not the best of news for your health.But the majority of your blood cholesterol is produced by your own body. It doesn’t come from the food you eat. Depending on your health, your liver produces more cholesterol. Guess what makes your liver go overdrive… Systemic inflammation and a consistant overconsumption of carbs. And guess what the paleo diet will do for you. Right! It will fix both of those issues.

It’s also important to realise that eggs are more than just the cholesterol they contain. They are packed with nutrients. The protein is half in the white, half in the yolk, but the other nutrients in eggs, especially in pastured eggs, are all packed into the yolk. By trying to be conventionally healthy and eating egg white omelets, you’re basically depriving your body of vitamin A, B12, D, E, choline (good for your brain), omega 3 fatty acids, and lutein. Meanwhile, your body will keep producing cholesterol so it’s basically not even helping.

Me? I’ll have my eggs. I had a checkup 6 months after starting my paleo lifestyle, and my cholesterol levels were perfect. ;-)

So what’s for dinner?


Grocery day, again.


Slow cooker baked potato (8hrs on low, set overnight) with avocado, poached egg and a banana.


A burger with a portobello bun (roast it in the oven until cooked, time depends on the size of the mushroom), tomato, and homemade mayo.


Cook once, eat twice. Make Chili con carne, but chop up twice as many veggies. Cook twice the amount of veggies. Toss half in a freezer baggie to defrost and toss in your slow cooker when you’re short on time. Cook the rest. ;-)


Prep day

Sunday morning breakfast:

Bakerita’s Paleo Chocolate Chunk Banana Bread with fresh seasonal fruit


Lukewarm salad with bacon, caramellised apple, and fresh greens with an citrus dressing (You don’t need a recipe for this. Fry the bacon, toss the apple chunks in there, serve lukewarm over your salad and drizzle with a dressing made of equal parts olive oil and orange/lemon juice, seasoned with salt and pepper)


Physical Kitchness One Pot Creamy Mushroom and sage chicken


Weekly staples are, as always, hard-boiled eggs, and a bowl of chopped up veggies to toss in a pan for a quick breakfast omelet, and frittata muffins for another portable lunch. Last but not least, are my Paleo Sweet potato Breakfast Brownie Muffins for a quick grab-and-go breakfast.



Spinach hash with some of your pre-chopped veggies, served with avocado and a poached egg


Leftover Mushroom and Sage Chicken


Grilled chimichurry chicken avocado salad



Some of the paleo breakfast brownies you made on Sunday

Lunch: Egg salad with crunchy dipping veggies


My Heart Beets’s Paleo Butter Chicken (I do this in my slow cooker, and come to a tasty dinner)



Frittata muffins you made on Sunday


Beetroot, apple and herring mason jar salad


Prosciutto wrapped chicken thigh fillets (pan fried) with carrot-potato mash.



Spinach omelet with avocado


Paleo breakfast brownies you made on Sunday


The freezer baggie of chili con carne meat-and-veggies you made on Saturday: defrost the night before, and toss it in your slow cooker before heading out to work in the morning.



Huevos Rancheros Style Shakshuka


A leftover chicken thigh fillet with carrot mash from Wednesday.


Bacon with rösti (spiralise a potato, an onion and an onion, caramelise everything in a frying pan with some coconut oil, and add in cut up strips of bacon) This is ridiculously simple, but so, so worth it. I promise.

We’re almost through, I promise. I just wanted to say that 50% of the payout of this post is pledged to @TARC for the support of a very worthy cause.

I met her when I came across the Fiction Workshop. She is the glue that keeps the Fictioneers together and working as a team. We all love her to bits.

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