The animals of Bangkok

Hello and welcome to another post.

Today I wanted to do something a little bit different than my usual travel posts. I decided that I want to post some photos of various animals that I have seen while I stayed in Bangkok. Some of them are a little bit older and others are more recent.

I've visited quite a few animal cafés here and also spent a fair amount of time in the parks where you will find some cool animals too. I spent an entire morning at one of the larger parks of the city and got to see a lot of furry friends there. Also some less furry ones haha.


This is the park that I visited called Lumphini Park. It's a very popular park in Bangkok and if you go there in the morning it will be packed with people doing their morning jogs or other types of workouts. It's also way too hot to go there any later so I guess people don't wanna miss their chance in the morning.


In the park, you will see a lot of stray cats and also big lizards. These lizards which are called Asian Water Monitors are surprisingly large and you will see them swimming in the water and walking around on the grass. I guess they are not really aggressive like Komodo Dragons or something since it seems the cats and the lizards co-exist peacefully in the park.


The cats in the park seem to be in good health. There is a weird thing I noticed right away when I first traveled here. Most of the cats you see have no tail or at best a broken-looking one. I was really curious as to why that is and my first thought was that someone is purposefully cutting their tails off. It turns out though that it is all due to genetics and is very common all over Southeast Asia.


There are a lot of lizards all over the city but none are as big and cool looking as these guys. There are so many of them in the park but you can also see them around the city near canals and such. One time a big one came out of the bushes right next to me when I was walking along a canal.


Ok so that was it for the animals I saw at the park. There are also some turtles in the water but I couldn't get a good picture of them since they were all swimming around. However, I did also see some cool animals in the city so let's get to those next.


This one probably being the coolest of them all. This is Marwin the moto-taxi cat. He just chills around all day long at one of the moto-taxi stands in central Bangkok and watches over the drivers. I love that he wears the vest and everyone loves him a lot.

Onto the last photos for today. The left photo is of a derpy looking cat I saw at a cat café and I saw the dogs on the right when I was walking down the street. They were sitting at a street food stand and that's probably the reason why they are so fat. I'm guessing they eat all the leftovers. It can not be healthy for them but at least they seem happy.

Alright, that is the end of the post for today.

I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed taking them. I love animals a lot and it has been a lot of fun walking around and seeing all kinds of different breeds and species in this city. I will be posting more photos of cool things I see around the city from now on since I will be staying here for a little longer. So thanks again if you made it this far in the post and I'll see you next time!

Peace, Straw

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