Zero calories foods are all the rage these days - but are they really zero calories?



I'm sure a lot of you out there drink diet soda on occasion and if so, perhaps you've found yourself wondering at times

how is it possible that this has zero calories?
Or if its even healthy?

Its an interesting question and the truth is they really can't. Aside from water, there is no truly zero calorie food or beverage, and heres why:
First off, most foods labled as having zero calories - actually do contain a small amount of calories. But as lons as its less than 5, the the fda allows manufacturers to round down - meaning a food with 4.9 calories, can still be listed as having zero.

For example: The zero calorie sweetener actual has 3.4 calories per pack

Water does not contain fats, carbohydrates or proteins, so therefore it does not contain any calories. Water is essential to your body's energy system, because it helps to transport the energy from the breakdown of foods into your cells, yet the water itself will not add calories to your body.


So you see, the idea of a zero calorie food is pretty much a misconception. Almost all foods, even those labeled as zero calorie do contain a small amount of calories and here are the consequences of eating zero calories food

  • They dampen your natural fat burners.

The body burns a lot of calories trying to turn a pat of butter into a pat of you. But highly processed foods - which is what most zero calorie foods are - come so highly processed that they're basically digested for you, so they don't keep the body's natural fat-burners firing.

  • They cause inflammation - and that causes weight gain.

Introduce a bunch of chemicals into your digestive tract and you're basically introducing an irritant. That can interfere with the body's ability to absorb nutrients in food, and it calls the digestive system's natural defenses into play, creating inflammation. Inflammation causes our fat genes to "turn on," increasing belly fat.

  • They mess up our ability to regulate what we eat.

Here's why: When you swallow that diet soda, the sweet taste makes your body anticipate the arrival of calories. And when the calories don't show up, your body gets confused, and triggers your hunger response, sending you looking high and low for those missing calories - and often finding them in a snack bowl.

Here are other examples

  • Butter Sprays

I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray claims to have zero calories. The ingredient list shows that it's a mixture of soybean oil and water with thickeners, and artificial flavor enhancers. It also contains EDTA, which has been shown to interfere with nutrient absorption. But the real kicker is that this spray is only zero calories if you use 1 spray - Use 25 sprays and you've eaten 20 calories and 2 grams of fat. That means the whole bottle contains 904 calories and 90.4 grams of fat!

  • Walden Farms Products

Walden Farms offers a line of calorie-free dips, spreads, and sauces like peanut spread, chocolate syrup, marshmallow dip, pasta sauce, and mayo. Let's take a look at the peanut dip for an example of what they consider preparing food "The Walden Way." This peanut spread, meant to replace high-calorie peanut butter, contains water, vegetable fiber, salt, something called "natural fresh roasted peanut flavor," and a bit of the artificial sweetener Splenda. In other words, this is not food. It's artificial flavor, artificial sweetener, and salt. Imagine the confusion your body will be in when this hits your mouth and no calories are there to back it up.

  • Diet Soda

Regular soda is definitely not good for you, but you're not doing your body any favors by choosing diet cola. One recent study from Johns Hopkins researchers found that people who drink diet beverages end up consuming more calories from food than people who drink regular soda or other sugary beverages.

If you want to know what you are actually drinking from zero calories sodas watch the following video.


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