Pop a pill, Increase your mood? Multivitamins v.s. Antidepressants

Maybe, sufficient levels of vitamins and minerals on a daily basis increases our human potential for positive vibes (elevated mood) ☯️

Antidepressants may force the human body to produce serotonin which brings on the good feels. But - eek - can there be some nasty side effects!

(Theory: In an attempt to mimic natural processes, non-organic pharmaceuticals cannot tend to all the biological processes necessary for homeostasis. Ignoring these biological processes may onset side effects such as nausea, episodic depression, anxiety, etc)

The global market for antidepressants legalized today is expected to reach $17 billion USD by 2020.

Well friend... Kirkland Daily Multis contain vitamins and minerals necessary for our human bodies to manufacture serotonin:

Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Pyridoxine (B6), Vitamin D, Folic Acid, Selenium, Calcium, and Magnesium

It can be difficult to get a full dose of selenium without Brazil nuts, animal proteins or lots o' spinach. Magnesium is more widely available in spinach, kefir, and banana.

Stay woke and drink plenty of water 💦✊🏾💦 - it helps our bodies process and remove excess nutrients.

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