My Dino Lino process Art is now for sale on NFT Showroom - Another update on My Creative Journey

Mrs Porcupine Dino lino art 3.png

In my previous write up that includes a one minute clip where you can see me work on my dino lino carving - I mentioned the following:

Today I felt a strong urge to get back into NFT art, but then without all the hassle, the shilling, the tweeting and all that stuff. Believe me, I tried that and it's not my thing.

I then added:

For now, I will go Hive only, on NFT showroom ( ) and I plan to sell my unique art there for almost no money, without feeling like I'm undervaluing myself.

And that's exactly what I did yesterday, as visible in the screenshots included in this post.

Making More space for the artist / the creative inside of me

I am in the process of giving the artist in me more and more space and time, something I hadn't done for a long, long time, eventhough I felt it was necessary.

These days, I am showing this creative inner child of mine that it's worth to be seen and that it's allowed to spend hours a day, multiple days a week, doing its thing - creating.

Although I have been a highly creative person for most of my life, I also feel like - no I know that - I have had to suppress that part of me for a long, long time - trying to fit in ( the system ). I felt I had to make art a weekend, evening, side gig, and often didn't even have the energy to work on this highly important side of me, whenever I actually did have the time.

Not being able to express this part of me, depressed me, made me ill, burnt me out.

Anyhow, this was meant to be a positive post.

Suffice to say that I am doing better these days ( if I focus on the right stuff ), that spending more and more hours creating and co-creating is the right decision, right now.

I also feel more like an artist than a writer, but I know my way of expressing myself can vary and change from day to day.

At the moment, it's lino carving and I will probably use those carvings to illustrate my books, but for now I decided to see if I could transform that process art into NFT's, in order to monetize my long lasting creative process - a process that doesn't lead to a finished product over night.

It's time to start valuing myself and my work a little more. I have undervalued myself for way too long.

I also felt I could value myself without asking for too much. I want my art to be available to almost anyone. Also, it's process art, so I feel I can sell it for less than a so called finished product.

Freshly tokenized dino art.png

So, yesterday, as shown above, I put up a couple of dino lino process art scans on NFT Showroom. What you see is Mrs. Porcupine getting on the nerves of Hypersensitivosaurus.

This carving is based on this drawing that I made over a year and a half ago, after having received an acupuncture treatment, back in July 2020 - Mrs. Porcupine was based on my acupuncturist.

You can read about that experience here

Mrs Porcupine.jpg

Eventually, this experience - and the following two treatments - led to a story that made it into my first book: The Life of Hypersensitivosaurus: 22 Stories about Dinos and other Animals.

To remind you, once again ( or probably to remind myself ), the lino illustrations that I am working on, these days, might end up in a second edition of this first printed book of mine. A book that a bunch of you are patiently waiting for.

They might end up in that book or they might not. They could also just be process art.

I am really following my intuition nowadays, more than ever before ( in my adult life ) and that means I can't really make promises.

And that is exactly why I decided to further monetize my creative process, aside from earning a couple of Hive and HBD, by sharing my process in blog or vlog posts.

Not just that, I also feel these process art inkings are pretty unique and special. If it wasn't for the 3.33 Hive that I have to pay to tokenize a single NFT, I might have sold them for even less than 3, 4 or 5 Hive each but hey, it would be nice to earn back my investment at least. Not just my investment in tokenizing these pieces, but also the money I spent on my lino carving and inking tools.

Yesterday I noticed that @juliakponsford was the first one to get her hands on one of my pieces - picking the very nice step 1,2 and 3 of the black ink version. She also promoted my freshly minted art on Twitter ( where I am not and will not be active ) and I am grateful to her :<)

Suffice to say that you can further support me by grabbing one of my dino lino process art pieces here, on my NFT Showroom Page:

If you're not on Hive but you do use Paypal, you can also support me on Ko-fi , by buying me a virtual coffee:

Note to self. I really need to update my Ko-Fi page soonish

Also, sorry (not sorry ) for the shameless tagging, @riverflows , @meesterboom , @trucklife-family , @justinparke , @fenngen , @creativemary , @blanchy , @whatamidoing ( and I'm probably forgetting a bunch of people here ) - I know that all of you have been looking forward to receiving a second edition of my book. If you have been following my blog or have read the above, you will understand that it might take a lot more time.

Just know that you can already get your hands on some of my art - via my NFT Showroom page - or that you can support me in my creative journey, instead of just waiting for a finished product.

Feel welcome to send me 22 Hive or 22 HBD * ,
to secure a book of mine ( and or other creations ), somewhere in the future.

Or feel free to gift me any amount of HIVE or HBD ( to your own liking ), just to support me on my creative journey. This will put you on my first priority- , VIP list and you'll receive my eternal gratitude as interest.

It's also likely that - depending on the future price of Hive - it will make my motor run a little bit faster.

Thank you in advance!


*We will see about the postage later, if you decide to go for a printed copy of my book.

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