Why Cow Milk is a Serious Health Risk for Humans & How UK Adverts That Show the Truth Will Not Be Banned!

The suffering of cows is a topic that few care to give attention to - and yet it affects us all in ways that we need to pay attention to now.

Cow milk is for baby cows, not humans!

As a child, I was given milk in school and I still recall my repulsion at it's taste - it was clearly not for me and yet I was essentially forced to drink it on the basis that it would 'make me fit and strong'. The reality though is very different indeed. Cow milk, unsurprisingly, is for baby cows and is formulated to take a small cow and make it put on weight fast, to turn it into a big cow! The mixture is biologically incompatible with the needs of a human body, including human children.

you ungrateful cow

In order to maintain a constant milk production, the cows are typically artificially inseminated by farmers to keep them pregnant and producing calves and thus also milk. If the calves are male they are killed immediately and if they are female then there is a high chance they will be raised to continue on from their mother once their mother can't continue to stand in cramped conditions, being vampired by greedy humans who do not understand life or love. This is very much like the scenes of enslavement from the movie series 'The Matrix', except that it is real and called 'normal' by many people who are unconscious of the reality of which they are a part.

The dairy industry is explained here in 5 minutes:

Health effects of Cow milk on Humans

Typically, the acid wastes that result in the human body after drinking milk (or consuming dairy based products) are such a problem for the body that it must correct the PH levels as a matter of urgency by using processes of alkalysation. In simple terms, dairy milk puts our body out of balance and our body has to work hard to correct the imbalance. Sometimes the body doesn't have sufficient resources available to neutralise the acid in may be forced to resort to leach calcium from bone reserves since calcium is highly alkaline (the opposite of acid). If dairy milk is consumed over a life time then the results can be weakened bones and osteoporosis in old age. There are several other very significant health risks associated with the consumption of cow milk, ranging from cancer through to serious digestive and thus immune system dysfunction. Since cows are often filled up with antibiotics by farmers who view them not as life, but as 'products' and 'machines', the result is that the humans consume large amounts of anti-biotics too, which has a knock on effect on the gut flora of the humans and that in turn can greatly inhibit the capacity of the human's immune system in fighting off disease organisms.

If all this wasn't enough, there is also a risk of heart disease from dairy products and potentially other complications from pus and other contaminants typically found in factory farmed cow milk.

Thankfully, many great plant based milks are available that pose none of the risk of dairy milk and which are genuinely very good for human health. I shared a recipe for a coconut and almond based power milk recently that can easily be used to replace dairy milk and it will not take long before users of it will look back at their time drinking cow milk and wonder how they could have ever drunk something so out of tune with their body's real needs.

For medical professional insight into this issue you can review the following video - Food that Kills by Dr. Michael Klaper:

And another video here from Dr. Greger explains some of why milk is a risk for cancer in humans:

Advertising Standards Authority in Britain Upholds Vegan Advert's Claims That Dairy Industry is Inhumane

For too long, the dairy industry has used it's money and political power to manipulate the minds of humans into thinking that it is 'normal' to exploit animals and steal their milk - when it clearly is not the intended way for humans to live on Earth. Any exploitation is totally out of balance and unethical.

Today though, there was a spark of change after an advertising campaign by vegan activists which makes clear that cows are being exploited was challenged by the dairy industry for being 'misleading', but the challenge was rejected by the Advertising Standards Agency. The result is that a precedent is set which makes clear that regardless of the rhetoric of the dairy industry and it's supporters, their activity is NOT humane, ethical, caring or even justifiable to anyone with a heart and mind to think/feel.


Source: Guardian - Humane Dairy Milk Is a Myth

Happy Cows!

The following moving video shows the moment that a herd of dairy cows was rescued from slaughter in Germany once they became too old to be 'productive' in the farm any more. The farmer intended to have them killed, but instead they were rescued and set free - to see them bounce around the fields in pure joy is tear jerking for even the more rigid hearts among us!

Got Comments?

What do you have to say about the situation? Are you motivated to create change? Let us know in the comments below. Thanks.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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