Freeride Snowboarding / Chasing Powder :) Go Pro Video TRIP REPORT

Hello dear Steemians,

This is my first trip report this winter season, mainly because we dont have snow here in Slovenia. :(

Me and my cousin, decided to visit mount Bärenaunock in Austria(2293m / 7523ft). We had a 3 hour car ride to Innerkrems , where we started our hike, and as soon as we got there we got a nice welcome from the weather, it was lightly snowing and the sun was slowly rising :)

We hiked for three hours to reach the top, had a quick lunch , enjoyed the views and got ready for the best part, the ride down :D It was a great day , cant wait to visit those mountains again :)

Here are some photos from our hike up , and a Go pro video from our descent.

Let me know if you like the music in the video, its a New track ive been working on, thank you ;)

Peace, Shaka ;)

Start of our hike

Sun was battling with the clouds :)

First glimps of our destination

Getting closer
Almost there
View from the top, we started our hike downthere in the valley
The neighboring peak, Peitlernock

Go Pro video :

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