Getting Away

With everything that's going on in the world right now I find my anxiety level hovering around a 9 or 10 most days. Since anxiety causes stress and stress lowers your immune system I knew that I had to try to do something to ease my mind.

I can't go and hang out with friends that would defy the six foot rule which also makes retail therapy out of the question, besides most stores are closed right now.
Going to my local coffee shop and lounging at a table for a bit is not an option either. But the one thing that hasn't been taken away from us is getting out in nature. Being outside in the sunshine and fresh air always puts me in a good mood and lightens my spirit. Luckily spring has finally decided to peak it's head out from behind the wintery gloom and grace us with a sunny day today.

So I got dressed, harnessed up my trusty side kick and headed for the great outdoors. The local dog park is empty in the middle of the day so I headed there with Deltron, my brindle companion, and spent an hour in the beautiful sunshine throwing the tennis ball and breathing in the sweet spring air.

So when the situation that we are all in together gets too much for you do your part to help flatten the curve, stay away from people and go outside and enjoy nature. Hopefully in the company of a furry companion!


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