Daily Nature Fix: More Scenes From the Wild West. (Original Photos)

    Hello everyone.  Tonight's Daily Nature Fix is going to be a few photos of scenery taken during our drive around Arizona and southern Utah.  I've posted a couple pictures from the iconic Monument Valley in the past, but I have a ton of other photos from the not-so-famous rock formations.  Just to clue the folks in that aren't familiar with the Navajo Tribal Park, this is Monument Valley... it's the backdrop to tons of wild west movies:

^^^The butte to the right is one of the park's famous "Mitten Buttes".  There are several in the valley.

   Now then, I'll start with a few of the lesser seen features.  This first one is a massive, pointy, butte/mountain.  I'm not sure which of those two it'd be considered.  It was pretty awesome looking though, as it was several miles from Monument Valley and there was NOTHING anywhere around it that stood in the air like that.  Not a hill, or mountain, or anything of the like. 

^^^Wish I knew the name of this beast.  I couldn't come up with anything from my google searches though.

   This next one was from inside Monument Valley, but it was the giant ridge around the perimeter of the park.  From a distance you can just see the plateau shape of its silhouette... but up close you could see all the colors and patterns in the rock. 

^^^The nearby tree remains was a nice touch.

    This last one is also from a ridge just like the one above, but on the opposite side of the road.  The red sandstone on this was was especially vibrant.  It was cool to see all of the layers in the ground leading up to the cliffs.  Evidence of the several hundred thousands years of erosion.  

    Thanks for reading! I post a nature-themed Daily Nature Fix blog every day. Please upvote if you enjoyed it and resteem if you found it especially interesting! Be sure to follow me @customnature so you'll never miss out on your nature fix!  See you tomorrow.  - Adam

***Daily Nature Fix is a daily blog showcasing the natural world.  It is all original content using photos, stories, and experiences from my own travels.*** 


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