Documentaries that changed my life

Not in chronological order

1. Cowspiracy

WOW. What an eye-opener. I always knew about animal cruelty. We all do right? Most people just choose to ignore it (like I did back in the days because I was the biggest meat eater ever). Vegetarians were these weird hippie folks in my eyes and I never even heard of the term vegan.

What I didn’t know were the impacts of agriculture on our environment. I was SHOCKED! Why didn’t anyone tell me about this? All these major corporations were lying to us. You think turning off your tap water while brushing your teeth is going to save this planet? Well… guess again.

2. Earthlings

After watching Cowspiracy I became a vegetarian, for the environment. I never made the connection with animals until I watched Earthlings. Why are we treating animals this way? Yes, maybe they are “less” intelligent but, even so, it doesn’t justify killing them. They have feelings, just like us - they have a family to support, just like us - they can think, just like us and they are aware of their existence, just like us… Besides if we see ourselves as a more intelligent species, we should know better.

"The animals of the world exist for their own reasons.
They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for white, or women created for men."

3. The Cove

I bawled my eyes out during this one. Of all sea creatures I like dolphins the most. They are such intelligent animals with their humanlike behaviour. Dolphins love and grieve just like us which made this documentary extremely powerful. It was devastating to see that 23,000 dolphins and porpoises are killed in Japan every year!

4. The True Cost

My mom always used to say: “You care so much about all these animals but do you know who made your clothes? And in what conditions?”.

The fast fashion industry is the 3rd most polluting industry and has the highest incidences of slave-like labor. Apart from the nasty chemicals, your clothing is designed to fall apart and to make you feel out of trend after one week.

After watching this documentary I knew I was buying garbage and worst of all, I was supporting this unethical business.

5. Minimalism

I was a slave to consumerism. I was buying new things all the time, especially clothing. I had the feeling that if I owned all these clothes I would find happiness, I would fit in. I was comparing myself to all these girls on Instagram who always wore the latest trends. But whatever I bought, it never made my truly happy.

6. A Plastic Ocean

This docu encouraged me to create my “Ditch plastic ASAP” serie and live a more sustainable zero-waste lifestyle.

7. What The Health

I didn’t want to include the link but you can actually watch the whole movie on Youtube.

Now I was already a vegan by the time I watched this documentary but they show some really good facts about the health impact of meat and dairy consumption.

The next documentary on my list is Unity. I don’t know if it's any good so I can’t give you my opinion but if you’re interested I included the trailer below.

Please, share your favoriete documentaries to keep raising awareness.

  • By Naomi

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