WORKOUT PLAN - Shoulders & Triceps

Aloha Steemians!

I would like to share my training routine with you, which is more than just a routine, but also a part of my life. It helps me to improve my performance not only in training but also at work, to maintain my mental balance and to deal with problems.

Make sure you check out my previous posts:
The Importance of Your Mindset #1
The Importance of Your Mindset #2
WORKOUT PLAN - Chest & Triceps
WORKOUT PLAN - Back & Biceps

Topic of this post: SHOULDERS & TRICEPS

  • Hit your whole shoulder region, the front, the side and the rear deltoids. Build the mass, the cut factor and also the endurance.
  • Use the preload from the workout to fully attack the triceps

After the shoulder workout you should't be able to cross your arms. This workout brings you to your limits but rewards you with a super saiyan feeling.

There is a main principle that applies to every workout:
Do not count the repetitions, do not pay attention to numbers, but continue until your muscles burn like fire and then enforce the last 2-3 repetitions. Go to muscle failure and beyond. That's what counts and ultimately makes the difference. Concentrate on the execution, the technique is crucial for muscle contraction. Take always enough weight to collapse on about the 10. rep - muscle failure is the goal. A set should least at least 40 seconds with the highest tension to give the muscle the necessary stimulus to grow and enhance.

I can only ever emphasize: the most important thing is continuity. Go to the gym, but go with a plan. Improve and refine your plan more and more. I give you the basics, but each body is different, so adapt it to your needs and performance.

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and stay tuned for my next topics, in which I'll continue with detailed workout plans!

  • Create a workout plan
    • Detailed workout plans
      • Legs + biceps workout
  • Consistency
  • Commitment
  • Be efficient
  • Be intense
  • Utilise feelings in a beneficial way
  • Nutrition
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