Moringa, the miracle

  Protein plays a crucial role in almost all biological processes - for bones, skin, blood and cartilage - and amino acids are the building blocks of them.Very few plants in the world contain all essential amino acids, which makes getting the full range more difficult for vegans and vegetarians.   

Moringa is one plant that does contain them all, making it an ideal supplement for vegetarians, vegans and people who regularly work out who prefer plant based protein.  Moringa is a tree native to the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains in northern India. Moringa can grow in tropical and subtropical areas throughout the world and is beginning to be cultivated throughout Africa and South America.  This fast growing tree is also known as the “Miracle Tree” and is one of the most concentrated superfoods on the planet.    

Moringa leaves are between 30-40% protein, and contain 18 amino acids including all 9 essential amino acids (valine, lysine, leucine, histidine, isoleucine, methionine, threonine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan). This makes moringa a complete plant based protein source, something seldom found in the plant world.    Moringa protein has a far higher value than most other plant based proteins.   

You may use moringa powder or the real thing - leaves. add to smoothies, salads, yogurt. Even in small portions, provides a more than adequate amount of protein for everyone, especially children, senior adults, lactose intolerant individuals, vegetarians and people with soy allergies.      


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