Uberman - polyphasic sleep log - day 1

Don't know what is Uberman sleep schedule? Check this video out

I am doing the polyphasic sleep schedule with 30 minutes naps every 4 hours. I would like to get to 20 minutes eventually. So far everything is good, i expected i would be way more tired. Fortunately i am doing it with my friend, so I don't feel alone and we can help each other and motivate ourselves. I realized how much time we normally spent by sleeping, I have so much more time now. Right now, my brain doesn't really function that well i think, it's a bit more difficult for me to concentrate and i am a little bit groggy. I think it will get better over time though, as i read on the internet the adaptation takes usually more than a week. Also the weird thing is that now i think in these 4 hours sleep cycles, so for me yesterday now means the 4 hour sleep cycle before. It feels like the time goes really fast and the days are really short. Eating a lunch takes like one fourth of my 4 hour day. I plan only one cycle ahead, to keep it simple. I want to make these posts short, i will post another one tomorrow.


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