I am Moving On With Steemit

As far as I can see the #milkandtators challenge is working out just fine, me not so much, I just made three comments yesterday and I have only three today, I guess I will catch up with this at some moment. You see I am trying to do something I have never done before, do things in an orderly manner my way of doing things is chaos.

Now I would like to talk about my path through the internet since I got caught up with it, must have been well over ten years ago, I have always tried to make money and to do this without putting in much if any money at all as I have always been afraid of losing it to a scam and that would make me feel terrible, yes I have worked on some opportunities that turned out to be scams but all I lost was my time, the most precious good one has, but since it costs nothing I don't feel it, maybe later I will.

Anyway I have tried affiliate marketing, getting traffic from traffic exchanges, ad exchanges, forums, trying to get referrals for opportunities, sending email ads, and all of those options that make you think making a living on the internet is easy. I have never tried to make an email list or use an autoresponder, I don't know, even if the person opts in to a list I still think sending unsolicited email is spamming, and anyway it probably gets deleted before opening so I see no benefit in that.

Then along came Bitcoin, unfortunately by the time I heard of it it was already at over one hundred dollars so I didnt get to receive whole Bitcoins from faucets or anything like that, still I tried faucets when the price was already moving up, I got close to 0.02 BTC this way, and I gambled it all. So it was another lost opportunity, then other coins started showing up I remember Litecoin, I could have also amassed a good amount of Litecoin by then but I just thought this one is a scam definitely so I did nothing.

So I never got on the Crypto train, until I was made aware of Steemit, a place where I could make Crypto just by writing so I signed up wrote an introduction post but got nowhere. So as always I quit, luckily I decided to give it another try and here I am three and a half years later still trying to make it big. Steemit has been OK with me, I have cashed out some in times of need so it has helped me out, I have had fun, I have had some arguments, I sometimes agree with what is happening, most of the times I don't, I have to face it I am a grouchy old man.

But really Steemit opened my eyes to a whole new world, and that world is expanding now, Steemit has competition, and I don't see this as a bad thing I personally have joined about ten Steemit offsprings, right now I am seriously working two more besides Steemit, and I think that is the way forward. No putting your eggs in only one basket.

Of course Steemit is the first and the one I like the most despite all its problems, the main one being that there really is not as much interaction as there should be. You know it amazes me that there is more Steemit activity about projects , ideas future events on Discord than on Steemit. I think Steemit should have an app like Discord for its own use, I wonder if that could be done?

But frankly I think, for the first time in several years that I really have hope that Steemit is going back up, I see more willingness in a lot of people to get this ship sailing right. I hope that is not me looking at things with rose tinted glasses.

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