The mantra is an archetypal sound, an internal vibration that frees the mind from the illusion of reality. But not only. Let's see how it works


What is a mantra

The word Mantra derives from the union of two terms: the Sanskrit verb, in the meaning of thinking , with the extension to the spiritual principle or living soul , united with the suffix between which emphasizes the action, therefore acting.

A different etymology, instead, corresponds to the suffix between the adjective that stands for protection, which protects. Thus, the mantra becomes a "thought that offers protection".

But what does a meditation mantra consist of?

Simply, a mantra is a verbal formula, almost always in Sanskrit, which is repeated for a given number of times in order to obtain a precise effect, which can be mental, physical, energetic or otherwise. Let's see how a mantra for meditation works.

How the mantra for meditation works

Mantras are vibrational sounds, as great emphasis is placed on correct pronunciation and the right vibration to be applied. The function of the mantra for meditation is to clear the mind from the illusory reality, to remove the veil of Maya to allow the meditator to enter into the proper spiritual dimension.

The sound of the mantra is archetypal , that is, it is engraved in the unconscious of the human being and precedes the word and the writing. In fact, even if we do not know its meaning, the mantra represents a vibration that, if properly repeated, allows a series of benefits on mind, body and spirit.

The mere repetition of syllables is able to calm the mind (think of the lullaby). In order to obtain different effects, it is still necessary to use the mantras according to the precise rules of the reference tradition.

Their main function therefore remains that of spiritual amplifier: words and vibrations which induce a gradual concentration in meditation in devotees. But not only. Mantras are also used to avoid dangers, to protect against enemies, to recover from illnesses and even to accumulate wealth.

Today, the use of the mantra is now popular even within modern spiritual practices, such as the New Age and transcendental meditation , which roughly refer to ancient Eastern practices.


Healing with Mantras

"Mantra and Meditation" is not the only possible marriage. Traditionally, it is assumed that the disease is always caused by a disturbance in the underlying subtle energy level. Mantras are energy in the form of sound.

The mantra healing method uses sound energy to remedy this energy disorder, treating the cause of the disease and its perpetuating factors, rather than treating the symptoms. There are hundreds of healing mantras concerning specific problems such as diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, viral attacks, influenza, infections, boils, fractures, childbirth and bleeding.

Other mantras, however, concern more general problems and states of health, such as the heart, lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys (so-called "full organs"). There are also the "Cento Malattie" mantras . Sound vibrations encompass the healing power of both the mantra and the healing power of the master, who has strengthened and perfected it over the years. By listening to the recitation of a mantra, we later receive the ability to recite the mantra for ourselves.

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