Quarter 1 report 2022

Quarter 1 report 2022


The big picture of LUV

The goal and roadmap of LUVshares remains unchanged: to spread love around the Hive blockchain.

LUV is maturing. At this point, almost all LUV tokens are given out Hive-user-to-Hive-user by calling the !LUV command. A few hundred were given out to be awarded as prizes in contests. In every case, they are given away freely.

Prior reports:
2021 Q4 report - @luvshares/quarter-4-report-2021
2021 Q3 report - @luvshares/quarter-3-report-2021
2021 Q2 summer report - @luvshares/summer-report-2021
See the D.buzz buzz that first hinted at LUV or read LUVshares' first post that started it all.

Little sister HBIT

LUV's baby-sister project is Hivebits or HBIT. Whereas with LUV you give to others, with Hivebits you are rewarded for your effort. Hivebits is still young (born Jan. 1), but is has a steady user base and is growing. Every HBIT that is "out there" is backed by the proof of someone's effort on the Hive chain.

CategoryAmount (last quarterly report)Note
Ave. daily LUV emitted272 (up from 192)See Graph 1 below.
30 day ave. emitted382 (up from 304)See Graph 1.
Current circulating supply110,000 (up from 50,000)See Graph 2.
Wallets holding > 0 LUV6,051 (up from 3,470)See richlist here or here.
Wallets able to use the LUVbot (to share LUV)1,395 (up from 858)These are wallets with at least 10 LUV.
LUV Legends82 (up from 71)LUV legends are followed by @badge-588588 and receive a badge (shown on Peakd).
Amount sold by @LUVshares0

Graph 1

LUV shared via the LUVbot.

Graph 2

The circulating supply of LUV. This is the amount of LUV minted. Most tokens are in Hive wallets, except for those in the @LUVshares account which are waiting to be emitted by the LUVbot.

Some quick hits:

  • Graph 1 shows emission declines in Sept/Oct of 2021 and again in Feb/Mar of 2022. The first decline was due to numbers alterations to purposely slow emissions to conserve Resource Credits. The second decline followed a rash of farm-mining by bad actors who were subsequently blocked.
  • Overall, I'm generally pleased with the emission. Particularly the green (30 day average) and red (overall daily average) show rather stable growth over time...that's preferred.
  • The LUVstore is here. Yes, you can buy things with LUV (as well as with other Hive-Engine tokens). Currently, it's only NFTs for sale, but maybe in the future...who knows?

Looking forward

The use of the #LUV tag is encouraged. @LUVshares has been searching that tag, looking for posts to curate.

Bad actors, abuse, and related things
There's been a recent rash of bad actors. Sometimes it's multiple people engaged in "ping pong giving"...you give to me, I'll give to you, you give to me, I'll give to me, on and on. This really isn't the intended purpose of LUV. Secondly, there have been users who pose as other people behind multiple usernames. Again, this is not the intent of LUV. It hurts Resource Credits and hurts every other LUV holder by diluting the market when the bad actor decides to flood the market's sell order book.

To help curb these sort of actions, users have been blocked. A call for "Inspectors" has been made and things are in the works.

Ideas by others and thoughts by me
During the discussion on bad actors, ideas were generated Thanks to those who have engaged.

Some of the ideas centered on things that might be done to reward LUV holders for various actions. Actions included curation bots or dividends in various manners.

To be honest here, I'm very wary on this as I don't wish for LUV to be viewed as a farming token where, "If I do action X, I will get Y amount of LUV."

Reasons for my hesitance:

  1. I believe the market value is only determined by free market actions. Anything done to influence a market up (or down) always seems only temporary.
  2. Rather than a tic-for-tac token, I want to keep LUV with a giving-to-others focus.

Regarding the recent bad actors pilfering LUV, staking was suggested as a way to help curb this. Ironically, the chief bad actor suggested this himself, as did community members. Staking is something that's crossed my mind, but I would only do it if there was a reason. I don't wish to enable staking just because the ability to enable staking is there.

I do not see how staking helps stop the actions of the bad actors. As I see it, staking would do nothing more than delay the process. Staking would not prevent a bad actor from pilfering LUV at all. It would slow a bad actor's transition from staked to selling on the market if that was desired, but, again, I only see a slowing of bad actions not a cessation of them.

Stealing from the bank and riding away on a giant tortoise is no different than stealing from the bank and riding away in a lambo (except for the style points...much cooler to ride a giant tortoise in a heist, am I right?).

Perhaps I'm wrong here on staking. If you feel I am wrong, I'm open to listen to reasons why.

Inspectors keep an eye out and are currently under construction. See @token.inspectors/token-inspectors-announcement

Summary and final thoughts

This project has been and is personally rewarding to me in that it has enabled anyone on Hive to share something positive with another person. The fact that it's being done about 400 times daily makes me smile.

written by @crrdlx


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