Quarter 4 report 2021

Quarter 4 report 2021


This is a little late, been busy...holidays, travel, #Buzzies (please vote), and LUV's baby-sister project hivebits.

The big picture of LUV

The goal and roadmap of LUVshares remains unchanged: to spread love around the Hive blockchain.

Since the last quarter's report, approximately 30,000 LUV tokens have been given out. Almost all were given out Hive-user-to-Hive-user by calling the !LUV command. That's around 333 every day, person-to-person, each time saying, "Here, have some LUV."

Prior reports:
2021 Q3 report - @luvshares/quarter-3-report-2021
2021 Q2 summer report - @luvshares/summer-report-2021

See the D.buzz buzz that first hinted at LUV or read LUVshares' first post that started it all.

Ave. daily LUV emitted226See Graph 1 below.
30 day ave. emitted314See Graph 1.
Current circulating supply80,00074,112 currently held in Hive users' wallets. 5828 held by @LUVshares awaiting emission. See Graph 2.
Wallets holding > 0 LUV4,662See richlist here or here.
Wallets able to use the LUVbot (to share LUV)1,076These are wallets with at least 10 LUV.
LUV Legends78LUV legends are followed by @badge-588588 and receive a badge (shown on Peakd).
Amount sold by @LUVshares0100% has been freely given.

Graph 1
LUV shared via the LUVbot.

Graph 2
The circulating supply of LUV. This is the amount of LUV minted. Most tokens are in Hive wallets, except for those in the @LUVshares account which are waiting to be emitted by the LUVbot.

Some quick hits:

  • Graph 2 shows a noticeable bend upward recently. I don't really like that. I like. Still, no change is necessary to any LUV levels right now. Resource Credits (RCs) are holding steady thanks to (a) those who have delegated Hive Power (HP) to @LUVshares and (b) to changes made to minimum LUV level requirements.
  • The LUVstore is here. Yes, you can buy things with LUV (as well as with other Hive-Engine tokens). Currently, it's only NFTs for sale, but maybe in the future...who knows? Take a look and, why not, buy something with LUV?
  • Nearly all LUV is given from one Hive user to another. This is the exact purpose. It was described as the "Proof-of-Love" "mining" algorithm. This is different in that your efforts don't reward you, but your efforts rewards others. Want your own rewards? See "HBIT" below.
  • LUV had a baby sister on January 1, 2021 called Hivebits or HBIT. It's like LUVshares in that it's comment-based on Hive. It's not like LUV in that the person doing the replying gets the HBIT, not the person being replied to. Read the post to try to mine HBIT.


Looking forward

Looking to the future, the number one goal is to maintain the ability for Hive users to share LUV via the LUVbot.

I'd encourage the use of the #LUV tag. @LUVshares has been searching that tag, looking for posts to curate.

This week, I was asked about future plans for LUV. It would have been nice to outline a grand scheme of plans and subplans. But, my response was simply that I believe in identifying a goal and then sticking to it. The roadmap above reveals the goal.

Thank you for embracing LUV during 2021. It hasn't been the easiest year, but we are working through it and we're always looking forward hopefully in the future.

written by @crrdlx


LUV should be shared. Share the LUV.

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