Love It/Shove It Challenge


This is my entry for the Love It/Shove It challenge by @snowpea! I was nominated by @alimamasstory and @apanamamama!

Here are the rules:

List five things that you love
List five things that you really dislike
Use the tag #loveitshoveit
Tag five people or more to participate, but anyone can join in.

The things I list here are in no particular order and they are just a few of the things I love and dislike. I decided to share these 10 things with my Steemit family! Here we go!!!...




For those of you that have been following my blog know by now that I LOVE me some crochet! Crocheting has brought a lot of Joy and Relaxation to my life and I cannot imagine not having this outlet. It is Fun and Saves my family a lot of money every year because I can make quite a few of our necessities! You can see more of my work on Monday’s when myself and other needleworkers gather together to share our creations and ideas for NeedleWorkMonday!


Essential Oils

These are my go to goodies, my family’s main medicine! I honestly never want to live without essential oils. The therapeutic benefits are outstanding and they are good for our bodies...much safer than over the counter meds. These oils have helped me through pregnancy, stress, sickness, low energy, anxiety, skin issues and to keep our home smelling amazingly fresh!



Oh let me tell ya, massages are one of my favorite things to receive from my husband. I grew up loving massages. My mother and I used to massage each other when our bodies ached. When I was young I remember thinking to myself that whom ever I marry, must love giving massages lol! When my husband offers to massage me I get sooooooo excited. We have massage oils that we like to use. The oils really help you to get deeper into the muscles and to avoid pinching the skin. Depending on how long he massages me I fall asleep about 90% of the time. I wake up feeling like I just got a new body with less aches and pains.


Sweets & Treats

Sweets and Treats my yummy eats!!!! I think I have a problem when it comes to sweets...I eat them too much. My favorites are cookies but I love them all; cakes, pies, donuts, shakes, candy, fudge, sweet biscuits etc. It seems I get a sweet tooth at the worst times...when there is NONE available! 😳 When I’m pregnant I ask my husband to make quick store runs to satisfy my cravings. I really try to cut back but it’s so hard. I think sweets will be the death of me. 🤷🏽‍♀️


The Smell of Concrete When the Rain Hits

I know this is a weird one but for as long as I can remember I have always loved the smell of rain and concrete. When I was younger I used to go outside right when the rain started just to smell the concrete. I can’t describe how refreshing that smell is to me. I guess I can put it like this, it’s a fresh smell of nature! I’m going to share an embarrassing secret with you all. I liked the smell so much that when I was younger I used to eat the little rocks that lay on the concrete at the end of our driveway. I have also licked the wet concrete (our driveway). I know you’re thinking ugh, ewwwww and that’s gross right now but I didn’t have a problem with it back then. I only did those things a few times but you sure won’t catch me doing that now. I’ll just enjoy the smell instead of trying to taste it nowadays! 😄


Shove It ❌



Yes I am aware that we need bees and why but that still doesn’t mean I have to like them. They are the reason I hate dandelions and have fear of going outside near flowers in the Summer. It all started when I was about 10 years old. I was sharing a soda with my siblings outside while on vacation. When it got around to me again, a bee came up from inside the soda can and stung me on my lips. I’m so glad I didn’t actually swallow the bee but I sure had a huge painful swollen lip for days. 😒 My siblings laughed at me everyday and were glad they weren’t the ones that had gotten stung.

While in junior high school another incident happened that scarred me for life. I wanted a friend to come outside and play with me. So I went up to his porch and rang the doorbell. Little did I know he had a wasp colony right underneath his the doorbell. All of a sudden a swarm of wasps flew out and attacked me. I ran off the porch, jumped on my bike and cried all the way home to my mom. I was stung at least 4 times in my back. Nowadays every time I hear buzzing I get nervous, these experiences have really affected me. Shove anything with a stinger.


Black Licorice

Just the smell alone of this stuff makes me nauseous. I can’t stand being near it, I don’t like to touch it and I definitely can’t stand the way it tastes. I’ve tasted it once in my life and that’s all I needed to know I hated it. The crazy part is my entire family Loves black licorice. Even my soon to be 2 year old loves it! My family knows not to come near me when they’re eating this horrible stuff. They also know they have to brush their teeth immediately after before they speak to me or I’ll faint lol!


Freezing Weather

I have never liked cold weather. Being petite all my life I didn’t have much meat on me to keep me warm. So when the freezing weather hits I try to avoid being outside. Even when I bundle up I still shiver and shake and feel like I’m going to die. Sometimes I get so cold I can’t move. It feels like I have icicles all over my body and at any given moment I will freeze into place. I definitely prefer the warm over the cold.



Eewwww!!! I still can’t believe I took this picture. Spiders creep me out, period! There’s nothing cute about them just all creepiness. If we find one in the house I’ll spray it down with my mixture of essential oils first before getting near it. I want to make sure it won’t jump on me so I wet it down with the spray really good and then get a shoe or something to smash it with. I don’t kill spiders if they’re outside (unless it’s a huge dangerous looking one that I don’t want in the house with my kids). We teach our kids not to kill creatures if they’re outside...but once these creepy crawlies get into our home it’s a different story.



I admit it’s fun moving to a new place sometimes. All of the excitement of a new home and new surroundings can get you really motivated. But it still doesn’t get me motivated enough to want to pack. I cannot stand packing!! I see why people have packing parties because it is a lot of work and very draining and time consuming. You do get to find things you haven’t seen in years and you get to see spaces cleaned and cleared out that hasn’t been in years but it’s still no fun. I think we should hire some professional packers the next time we move! 👍🏽


I would like to nominate these people to join this challenge if they haven’t done so already: @anise, @fathin-shihab, @mrscwin, @wondermaey and @violetmed!

Photo Sources: All photos that include my signature are my own and were taken with our Cannon EOS Rebel T6. The photos that do not include my signature are from the Pixabay website.

This concludes my Love It/Shove It entry. I hope you enjoyed learning a little more about me :) Thanks for reading!










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