Making canned lentils in the Cochinchine

My mother always referred to something that was very far as something located in the Cochinchine, and I always tought that it was a made up place from my childhood, it never ocurred to me that it could have been an acutal place in the colonial French thing in Asia (Cambodia today maybe?) but the matter of the fact is that my grand mother used to made the best lentils.

But hey what the hell are you talking about...

That is a picture of you playing the guitar?

Well yes, my blue guitar, I love the sound it makes, it is so full so rich, I enjoyed playing a few songs while day dreaming earlier

Sundays are horribly boring in france unless you live with your children or have a dog in which case it is justified to go outside to walk in the cold.


And this is what happens is you don't...

You go for a quick drive in a sunny day, with empty streets and closed stores.

So I decided to come back home and cook which is warmer than the cold blue skies.

So the other day I was in a bar and I found this map of the Cochinchine!

Who gives... ? It actually existed and I have photographic evidence!

Ok but now the lentils, my grand mother recipe calls for carrots, bell pepper, potato,onions, about three lentils and a whole pork and half a cow.

I had bacon batonnettes, steak, chicken, onions, a red bell pepper, carrots, potato and a can of pre cooked french tasteless lentils.

So I did the sensible thing, and maillardised the bacon, the meat cut in stripes, the chicken until golden and caramelized

I feel sad so i will not finish this post.

If you ever see the point where the little prince appeared for the first time, stay a little there, look attentively, if you see a child that smiles, with golden hair, that does not answer to questions.


I will never go back to the Cochinchine, it is a sad place in a valley of sorrow.

By way of deception thou shalt make war.

"Where there is no guidance, a nation falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety."
Proverbs 24:6

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