I Decided to Wake Ireland Up With Dancing and Hugs To Spread Happiness and Morning Raves

Not so long ago, me along with a jolly group of my volunteers that help us out with morning raves in Dublin hit the streets to spread love on a morning commute to work. Morning rave, I know what you are thinking. Probably a room filled with sweaty individuals somewhere, all off their face on every drug known to man but you would be wrong. WE started a well being morning dance rave that sees attendees raving, doing yoga, getting free massage and smoothies to banging techno and performers....at 6:30am.

Take a look at what happened when we hit the streets of Dublin.

What was the result? A movement. Something no-one saw coming but I suppose in the end it was inevitable. A movement of high energy, positive individuals who wanted to spread and inspire a vibrant way of life. It took over and before we knew it we were EVERYWHERE.

Here's a video of our morning rave!

As you can see it's simply explosive energy with all the right ingredients. What happened next was amazing!

We began getting huge press in Ireland and across the seas. The nations major broadcasters were sending news teams to our events, we were hitting headlines and before we knew it, there was a microphone in our faces every time we turned around. The wave had broken, people wanted happiness and we had the product. Just a few clipouts below.

We were trending and the rooms were filled with happy, bubbly people are ridiculous O'Clock in the morning and we could have been happier. Then we started getting calls from Google, Facebook and LinkedIn about doing some specialised morning raves for their staff. Festivals wanted us, venues were reaching out and the wave of happiness continued.

The message here? People want to be happy. People want to be brave. You just need to give them a little push to get there and they'll come flocking. If you want to reach out, check out the happiness I'm inspiring on the road by following me on Instagram @willmeara and @discoverhappiness.ie

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