Bajai Life Camp 18.03: Day 515

Bajai Life Camp 18.03: Day 515
Saturday November 3, 2018
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
28.2% headachy
183.2 lbs.

So much to cover this morning. But first...
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Headache news, originating from the base of the skull and the sides. I think it's from yesterday"s activity. But as always, I can't pinpoint it, can't undo it and must go through it.

Meanwhile, thighs are good-sore, upper-upper as well. I need water and I need to move and eat, so let's get to it. No sitting around and suffering.

This headache put me down for most of the day, but not before I got out to the park for some serious pulling work. While the headache lingered I told myself I'd stay out there until the headache subsided... but it outlasted the headache.

A lot of pulls were included and I followed a protocol I learned on YouTube.

One round includes the sets of full hang pull ups; then three sets of half range pull ups, which are more like normal pull ups; then shrug pulls; and hands to finish up the round. Use the same grip and hand position throughout the round.

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See the Episode, click below.

I also did some dips, air squats, rows and triceps work with the yellow band, inverted pulls, and leg work with the bands.

The discount at the shoe store was up to 40% so I scored a couple of pairs of sneaks for future use.

Then I came home, ate and suffered. This is a Philadelphia headache. I don't get them this badly anywhere other than Philly.

The reason I came up with was food. Late eating. And come to think of it, it was the first time I've eaten out in Philadelphia.

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