Cultivation of Mind - Body & Spirit an Introduction to Personal Development


What does Personal Development mean to you?

I think Personal Development should be about working on your skills, knowledge and best practices in order to achieve a good quality of life and this includes: Good Health, Physical & Financial Well-being as well as having good morals. This means falling in love with yourself, your projects and taking up a keen interest in something meaningful and worthy of your time and efforts. Once you have established your dreams and goals it's all about taking action each day to work diligently towards those goals.

We can work on our weaknesses and develop our strengths every single day...

We can't change everything over night but we can make some small changes every day, We can learn something new every day, We can practise the art or subject we want to master or become good at. We can work on all the areas of our life where there is a sense of lack or limitation. We can strive to be better than we were yesterday!

Are you someone who is living your best life or do you feel stuck in a never ending cycle of despair?

Changing how you think about a thing can change your whole world, Changing how you live your life can also change your life dramatically. Learning new skills and developing your skill sets is what makes us who we are.

We also have the ability to switch direction and change our game plan anytime we choose.

So if you feel stuck? Maybe it's time to learn some new skills, Maybe it's time to work on you... Your own Personal & Professional Development.

Even if you are doing pretty well...? Deep down you probably know you could do better or improve... It's something we strive for as human beings... It's natural to want to do well, to be better than we were yesterday. Staying stuck or stagnant with a mediocre approach to life is not very satisfying.

Humanity has been searching for answers to their questions on the mysteries of life and the meaning of life for Centuries and throughout those times there have been many great Spiritual Teachers, Life Coaches and Guru's who have passed on their skills, knowledge and wisdom through the ages. Now... We have access to the wisdom of the ages... Through the power of the internet.

Struggles & Hardships

Quite often we are faced with struggles or hardships and it seems to be a recurring theme for all of us... I don't think there is anyone who was born in to this world who did not face hardships or struggles, make mistakes or face some sort of hard time or challenging time either emotionally, physically or financially it seems to be a part of the human experience.

The huge advantage we have today is... If we have access to the internet? We have access to knowledge and wisdom. We can learn from others who have the experience to teach and share great knowledge and wisdom with us.

Personal & Professional Development

I'm fascinated with the vast amount of Personal & Professional Development Coaching that's available today via the power of the internet... So much so that I have already achieved more in terms of self education and personal development in the last 12 years... Than at any other time in my adult life and it's all been thanks to the power of the internet. That's not to say I have previously been lazy or have never had an interest in personal success or personal development, I have always been in to something and done not too bad most of my life... But I just love the idea of learning from great people and then being able to also pass that knowledge on to help others.

The best lesson I ever learned was... "Never Stop Learning" That was a quote from my Head Teacher in High School on my last day of School, I couldn't wait to start learning in the real world with real life experiences but somehow I don't think I really understood just how powerful those words were until much later in life.

I've met some really great interesting people and learned from some really great Teachers and Coaches as a junior gymnast and then later as a Martial Artist. I've also had the great opportunity of working with some really successful business professionals and companies and learning from those experiences also.

Now, Today... I'm so hooked on Personal Development that I have at least a dozen books sitting on my book shelf and I'm just waiting and looking forward to my free time where I can get to go through them and read them. Actually I have two online study groups where I share knowledge and wisdom and teach on the subject of Mind Body Wellness & Business Success and so this is where I get to share what I've learned with others who are also on their own Personal Wellness or Business Success Journey.

Get Fit Now 4 Life & The Road to Real Wealth

I am running two very exciting and amazing online campaigns right now The Get Fit Now 4 Life Campaign & The Road to Real Wealth Campaign both are absolutely jammed packed and oozing with some of the best and most reliable information and education when it comes to Personal & Professional Development.

I provide some free coaching and video events as well as premium level services. I don't claim to have all the answers and know it all... but what I do know.. I teach and the rest I leave to other Teachers, Trainers, Coaches, Authors & Presenters.

I'm offering some free coaching and bringing together Ancient Wisdom with Modern Science and with online Study Groups which makes it easy for anyone who has access to the internet to gain access for the purpose of Personal & Professional Development.

I'd like to invite you to join both or either one of my current campaigns... They are both free to start and free to sign up!
See banners below.

Featured Campaigns

Get Fit Now 4 Life - Cultivation of Mind Body & Spirit - 30 Day Email Series

We cover various different topics and subjects in relation to cultivation of Mind, Body & Spirit, You'll learn something new every day, You'll learn from some Real Life Super Humans & Discover Ancient Secrets that were once only available inside The Shaolin Temple & So much more. This is not your average "Online Fitness Challenge".

You'll be absolutely amazed at the high level of quality content, free information and coaching that's on offer with this 30 day Email Coaching Series.


The Road to Real Wealth

With this coaching series I'll be introducing you to some of the best and most successful methods of Wealth Creation and Business Models, The techniques and strategies are so simple that anyone can learn and be creating real wealth right from the moment they get started on the very first day. We cover some really simple and easy way's to generate income through multiple sources. We cover Real Wealth Alchemy and use time tested Wealth Creation methods with proven to work best business practises that are working right now and are completely legal, ethical and sustainable.

You'll get instant access to a free EBook that you can share with others, You can give it away for free and build multiple streams of income just by giving away a free EBook! Sign up for the free video event and Email Series to learn how.


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Utopian Global Video Event | Plastics to Energy

To Your Success, Good Health & Great Fortune!


Paul Nulty
Mind Body Wellness coach,
Business Success Coach, Event's Host & Promoter


Follow @paulnulty and








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