Creating Nostalgia

We're nearly halfway through January but I still haven't completed one of my annual tasks. Every year I make a collection of the best photographs of the year. They're not necessarily the most beautiful or technically pleasing photos, but the ones that most represent the year and would serve as good reminders in future. Nostalgic photos if you may.

It's proving quite difficult, however, to pick the photos for 2018 because it was an amazing year for me. I travelled a lot and did a lot of things that I would like to look back at in future. The thing is, I usually create a photo book of about the same number of pages, but already, I've exhausted the number - but I'm still in May 2018. I think perhaps this year I will double the number of pages as a one-off.


This photo has made the cut this year. It reminds me of the many, many alfresco coffees I had with friends in London. 2018 gave us the most amazing summer in my living memory so we took 100% advantage of it.

It's hard to find outdoor space to have coffee or a meal in London without having to inhale smoke; both from smokers and passing cars. London is a pretty polluted city you see. As a non-smoker, it's frustrating for me, but in this life I've learnt to live and let live. Indoor smoking is banned in public spaces, so I guess that's what happens :)

Anyhow, this photo is already nostalgic for me. This cafe is situated on Bethnal Green Road, London, right next to one of the places I develop my film photos. I often meet with other hipster friends here or have a coffee while waiting for the 1 hour film processing service.

The vibrant colours of their chairs and tables really make me happy. I also think the general vibe of the photo perfectly represents the kind of London summer we had in 2018. I'm going to remember that every time I see this photo in the photo book I'm creating

The Affiliate Marketing part of this post :)

FTC Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

Since Apple discontinued their Photo Book service, which I loved so much, I've been using Blurb, which is the only affordable service I've found with comparable quality to the Apple Photo Book product. Since I'm an affiliate, I get a discount when I make books! It means I also have a code that you can use to get a discount if you want to make a book too.

Important: Make sure you use the code MAKEITMATTER3RT to get the discount after clicking the offer link below.



Blurb Discount Code for 30% off and Free Shipping (Valid only till 16th of January)

New Customer Exclusive: 30% Off + Free Shipping at Blurb!


Peace and Love ✌🏿

All copy and photos are original content by me.

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