
"You're a rose, be with someone who isn't afraid of your thorns"
-R.h. Sin
I have this thing for roses. How they look, smell, and what they symbolize. They can mean many different things to different people. The quote above is one of my favorites! It so happens to use roses and thorns as symbolic of the dark parts of ourselves. I've had a lot of time to reflect on this. Can we be with someone who doesn't tolerate, accept, or even love the worst parts of us? I believe the answer is no. In order for someone to truly love us, they must see us for who we are, not what they want us to be. The good and bad, the happy and sad, the joy and frustration. We should never hide our ghosts from the ones we love most, because if we do then we are selling ourselves out. There's nothing better in the world than to be truly loved by someone, even with all of our faults. I've come to understand this in my own relationships. It's rewarding to show someone the so called "dark" parts of our being, and to know that they are still there. Be with someone who isn't afraid of your thorns!

Hope you enjoyed this little piece of my brain and photograph I took with a dear friend.



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