DEATH to me or is it the KEY?


Just like most of the world i love food, i like making it and i love eating it so the thought of going without food for more that 2 day's makes me nervous. Food does not only fill my stomach it makes me happy and taking away something that makes me happy makes me angry.


I was really active in high school and although i played rugby and participated in athletics i was always overweight and now that i am older it's much worse. It has always felt like my body did not process food like a normal person and that is exactly what what happening, a lifetime of bad eating habits have changed my body and the way it processes food. The more i ate more hungry i got, all of my problems was caused by too much insulin, and the best way to keep insulin under control is with fasting.

I've done a little reading on the subject of fasting and always thought that fasting was something people only did in the bible and that it mostly has to do with spirituality, turns out fasting not only good for the mind but is also for the body.

This is the video that blew my mind, after watching it everything fell in place. It answers allot of questions for me like why i'm always so hungry and why i only crave sugar wen i eat carbs.

There was something else that caught my eye and the was autophagy:

"Autophagy is a normal physiological process in the body that deals with destruction of cells in the body. It maintains homeostasis or normal functioning by protein degradation and turnover of the destroyed cell organelles for new cell formation. During cellular stress the process of Autophagy is upscaled and increased"


To get the changes and benefits from autophagy you need to restrict your carbohydrates intake.

After i all the researching i have done i have decided to go on a 1 week fast,hopefully by fasting i am going to lose weight and in the process heal my body. I will keep you updated.

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