Nourishing the body, mind, and soul

The energy that running brings me is so refreshing! I was never a runner. In fact, I wondered why anyone would put their body through such pain...until a couple of years ago. Some friends and I started meeting at the local track after we put our kids to bed. It started as a social gathering, but as we chatted and jogged, I noticed we were covering lap after lap and I felt great!

Since then, I try to run at least once or twice a week, and only for about 15-20 minutes. Nothing too extreme. The invigorating feeling continues even after I'm finished. I'm not one to go inside a gym. I feel confined. When I exercise, I want to smell the fresh air, take in the oxygen and the surrounding. Hearing the birds while I run. What a blessing!

After all the hard work, I want to feed my body real fuel. Healthier options that truly nourish each cell, so I can continue to run again the next time.


Here's my healthy lunch after I ran today. It's a creation from yesterday's leftovers. Nature has provided us with exceptional vitamins and minerals, in an assortment of colours from which to support our body machines. It's up to us to make the choice of what we feed it. I believe in a healthy body, mind, and soul connection. If any one of those are out of balance we feel unwell. What a liberating feeling is wellness!

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