Learning How to Poop for Adults

Learning How to Poop for Adults

Why You Should Get a Squatty Potty

I am not a poopologist or professional in pooping or anything else and use the information below at your own discretion and responsibility.

Squatting to Poop?!


One of the best decision I have made in 2016 was to change from a sitting position to a squatting position when dropping a turd. The majority of you have terrible poop form and are still using a sitting position on a toilet to poop. Although it seems natural and everyone in the West are pooping this way, it is unnatural is the long scale of human development.

My first exposure to squatting was living in Japan. You can still find squatting toilets in old restaurants, public parks, and old train stations. However, you will not find a squatter in any modern department store or shopping center. I avoided these areas and went the distance to find "modern" western toilets and it was in my 5th or 6th year where I was forced to use one because it was my ONLY option. Most other foreigners in Japan also avoid these squatting toilets like the plague and sometimes warn each other about "no go" areas with squatting toilets.

Other Asian countries like Korea and China also use squatting toilets and any indigenous tribe you find in the jungles still squat to poop. Only in modern and developing countries, you will see the shift from the natural squatting to sitting position.

My Conversion From Sitting to Squatting


Like you, I was a sitting convert. Sitting to poop was relaxing and peaceful moment and the toilet was a sanctuary from the stresses of the modern office and a nagging mother. Having the option to read a magazine or video while pooping did not help in making my conversion any easier. However, I knew something was wrong because all my poops were not fun and games and sometimes it was hard to poop or I felt bloated and still full of shit (pun intended) after using the toilet.

My second exposure to squatting (first being Japan) was seeing the squatty potty on TV show shark tank. I thought it was funky and silly and that I would never get a 4th date after bringing a girl home. This led to me forgetting about it until I heard a podcast on the Model Health Podcast + a podcast on posture or something from Tim Ferriss or Kelly Starrett. Having high energy and feeling connected to my body is important to me and has been an important part in being both effective at work and maintaining beneficial habits. What I heard from these sources and my internal feeling that something was not right, led me to pursuing a squatting position.

Squatting Has Made my Pooping Life Easier


Modern apartments in Japan do not come with traditional squatting toilets and the places that have squatting toilets tend to be so dirty that you would not even want to squat over them. For this reason, I have switched purchased a squatty potty to help give me the elevation to squat on a normal toilet. Please note that I am not being paid to promote the product and I am not using any affiliate links.

I have seen many benefits from switching to a squatting position.

  • My average dump load has increased using the squatty potty
  • My awareness that I have not released all my poop has increased
  • My body feels cleaner and emptier. I often feel the great relief and joy that we sometimes feel after releasing a large load
  • My butt is less dirty and I can spend less time wiping my butt
  • My legs are stronger and I can squat for longer periods of time
  • The amount of time it takes to drop a load has decreased. After 1 month of consistent usage, it is almost instantaneous.
Pooping is not only good for your body but for nature as well. I have reduced my toilet paper usage and water usage due to less visits to the toilet and a cleaner drop.

Why Sitting to Poop is Bad or Your Body


Sitting on the toilet to poop may have a negative affect on your health by increasing your risk of the following complications.

  • Constipation
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Colon Disease
  • Urinary Problems
  • Pelvic Problems
The simple explanation is that your body has a muscle mechanism that blocks poop from flowing out. This mechanism is activated when you are standing because of the position standing puts it in and explains why you normally do not poop your pants when standing or farting while standing. When you sit down, this mechanism is still somewhat blocking your poop drain and you have to push hard to get it through. The above problems result because of the extra and abnormal force you have to exert (pelvic problems and hemorrhoids) and that pooping while sitting does not release all the poop in your body and you can experience constipation as a result of it.

I found that it took over one month of consistent usage to experience big changes in my drop loads, times, and speed. The video below is really funny and explains the concept using an ice cream pooping unicorn.



You can find more posts like this on my free website Our Man Academy

I am the first person in my circle to make the change to a squatting and I will never go back to sitting unless I am traveling. I experienced that my poop times increased to about one to two minutes on the toilet during a recent trip to Taiwan and did not feel that nice clean and relaxing feeling afterwards. I look forward to having faster, cleaner, and more refreshing poops and I hope the same for you. Below are some additional resources on the benefits of pooping.

Slate Article

Squatty Potty Article

Update 9/2016


I have good news of a recent improvement in myself that I would like to share with you. I am starting to become more aware and sensitive of my body and can tell when my body is feeling bloated. This has helped me to hold back on eating food before my body has had a chance to process the remaining food. The end result is feeling more energetic and less bloated. It sounds weird and is not something I can back scientifically but I feel my body thanking me when I hold back to give it more time to process and poop food out before eating more.

I have also found water intake to greatly affect the amount of poop I make. Drinking 1 - 1.5 liters in the morning before eating breakfast has greatly helped me in pooping food from the previous night. It is an awesome feeling to get everything out of all and a good start to your new day.

I also love buffets (Sizzlers) and often eat more than I need, but drinking a lot of water when I get home helps me get everything out and get rid of that bloated feeling as soon as possible.

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