Known Longevity aids. Live 20 years longer for 20¢ a day.

Chromium has extended the lifespan of rats up to 40%. Niacin has REVERSED aging in mice.

These studies could be very important to you.

Even if you have no desire to live a long, long time. The simple diet additives I will discuss here should improve your youthfulness and vitality.

However; if you do desire to live an extra 20-30 years.. Then this blog posting may be one of the best blogs you have ever read.
(assuming you have never heard of these studies).

I will Keep this blog shorter, as the things I mention here you should research for yourself. Always do "Due Diligence" in learning about things you hear online.


FIRST: Chromium Picolinate

Chromium is natural in many foods but many studies suggest we could use more in our diet. It helps regulate sugars in our blood.

Rats have similar metabolisms to humans.

Rats given Chromium have lived up to 40% longer.

Let me say that again.

Rats given Chromium have lived up to 40% longer.

The average human lifespan is 71.5 years of age. If we could extend that lifespan by 40% they would live until the age of 100.1 .

THAT IS AN EXTRA 28.6 YEARS (caps always for emphasis)

Chromium Picolinate can be purchased at almost any health food store or even Walmart.

Each tablet costs less than 10¢ each in the following ad.


I will link some studies. Be sure to come back because the next vitamin I will discuss has actually REVERSED aging in mice according to a 2013 Harvard University study.

Chromium extends the life of rats... LINKS.
Newspaper (Many more on google):

Science Journal: First sentence is "The first rodent longevity study with the insulin-sensitizing nutrient chromium picolinate has reported a dramatic increase in both median and maximal lifespan."


NOTE: Do due diligence and research these. Know what you put in your body.



Yes... Niacin is a precursor to NAD+ which has been PROVEN to reverse aging in mice to a strong degree.

NAD+ is the chemical we need and a chemical called NIAGEN (Much more expensive version if money is no object).


NAD+ has been shown to protect our DNA and seems to reverse aging in mice. I could speak all day upon this but I am not a medical doctor. Instead; I will point you to the studies like with Chromium.

From News:

Science Journal: Quote from "restoration of NAD+ prevents age-associated metabolic decline and promotes longevity"

(I do niacin flushes 2-3 times daily)

During a Niacin flush your skin will take on a bright red hue like when you have a sunburn. It will also seem warm and itchy.
(scratching during a Niacin flush is an underrated pleasure in life).

So if new to Niacin take less than 500mg and have a cold shower handy. Just in case you find it unbearable.

There is also NIACINIMIDE. Niacinimide is also Niacin except without the flushing.

If the Flushes make you too uncomfortable then use this option more. I take 2-3 500mg Niacinimide daily on top of my regular Niacin Flushes. My total of both forms of this are less than 3 grams per day.

NOTE: Both Chromium and Niacin work along the same lines. Chromium bound Niacin, etc. Research if of interest.

NOTE: I would copy and paste this blog to your computer or print it or learn it. I can see longevity studies being banned or censored in the future should overpopulation become a thing. If we could double our lifespan tomorrow it would devastate our planet and populations. Imagine how many people would be alive on this planet if everyone doubled their life expectancy?

Niacinimide is also known as Vitamin B3.

Niacin and Niacinimide supplements are also less than 10¢ per tablet and can be found in any health store or vitamin supply.

Here is a link from Walmart.

The title of this video said live 20 years longer for 20¢ a day. I take more than one of these supplements daily and probably spend 80¢ a day. Since the first supplement alone could conceivably add over 28 years to an average lifespan and the second supplement could somewhat reverse your aging... I think 20¢ a day is more than worth it.


Because of the 2013 Harvard study many people are seeking higher doses of Niacin style supplements that will give them the most NAD+ (What causes aging reversal). Niacin if taken in doses above 3-4 grams a day can be toxic for the liver.

NOTE: Reminder. Talk to your doctor before using Niacin in quantities as high as this.

A product called Niagen has come out based on this study. It is more expensive and has MANY NAMES (It is marketted under dozens of names... but they are all the exact same Niagen)

Niagen produces more NAD+ than regular Niacin and allows people to consume slightly more NAD+ precursors without as much liver toxicity.

I USE NIAGEN DURING FASTS ONLY. I am middle-aged so I am fine with Niacin flushes as a daily part of my life, and see no real need to pay for the more expensive product.

It is my understanding that Niagen is better than Niacin, and Niacin is better than Niacinomide for creating NAD+.

Here is a video from TIME MAGAZINE on the 2013 Harvard Study (please report broken links).

I will let you readers do your due diligence and research how simply adding Vitamin B3 to your diet can aid your longevity.


Calorie restriction...

I will not discuss this. I only wanted to say that fasting and caloric restriction are known to increase lifespan. The due diligence is upon the reader.

MIND POWER.........

Oh what a sad teacher of magik I would be if I did not add an esoteric path to longevity.

If you are skeptical of magik or mind power then I will conclude my blog HERE...

No.. HERE....

Okay... HERE....

I am a teacher of Hermetic Magik and this lesson comes from ancient Egypt.

Thoth advice how to live forever.JPG

The Egyptians knew our bodies were basically spirit form. Many of us think we are "physical" when in fact. NOTHING IS.

This blog is NOT physical as much as it is a psychic marker left from my soul to your own. Even the words can change over time to match the expectations of all. Even our memories are not carved in stone.

So the Egyptinas used to meditate on their improved health inside a building that is a replica of a human.

Yes.. The Egyptian hospital was designed like a man lying down. If you want to heal your leg.. You can sit inside the leg of your choice and meditate. If you want to heal your brain... you could meditate inside the head.

Here is a photo of "The Luxor: Temple of Man".

and how it looks today...

Note: Notice how Egyptian hats are all geared to capture sound and vibrations and reflect them to the wearers ears as with this statue of Ramses II.

and this is how it might have looked in its glory days.


Maybe this blog has taught you how to live 1000 years. Check back with me in 900 years and we will discuss it.

Good luck to all and research what is said here. Even your own beliefs in these treatments will aid you.


Wayne Hilborn (author of "The Savvy Sorcerer", etc.)

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