Sugar - A Health Hazard


Today, sugar is one of the foods most controversial, given that although bad for your health, it is consumed without restraint.

9 reasons why sugar is not good for the body

  1. From the outset, it should be noted that sugar is a low carbohydrate in nutrients, which only gives the body "bare" calories.

  2. Refined sugar gets into the blood in a very short time (in the form of glucose), thus suddenly increasing your blood sugar. Long-term sugar consumption predisposes to diabetes when the pancreas can not produce enough insulin, a substance that has the role of lowering blood glucose levels. Unfortunately, there are already over 500,000 diabetes patients in Romania and their number is alarming.

  3. In addition, in order to neutralize the sugar, the body uses calcium resources, which can lead to the demineralisation of bones that will be more exposed to lesions and even fractures.

  4. Sugar consumption favors caries. Studies show that the main cause of caries, both in adults and especially in children, is the excessive consumption of sweets and carbonated beverages that are high in sugar.

  5. The consumption of sugar leads to the weakening of the immune system over time, and the main cause for this phenomenon is the increase of the blood glucose level. In this case, a real vicious circle is created because people with weakened immune systems tend to consume many carbohydrates to energize themselves.

  6. Sugar consumption creates dependence and changes in the brain. The explanation is that when we consume sugar the level of dopamine in the brain increases. Thus, the brain begins to become accustomed to sweet foods and secretes more and more dopamine receptors. Therefore, the higher the level of dopamine, the greater the need to eat sweet foods.

  7. People who consume excess sweets are up to 5 times more prone to colon cancer because sugar causes cancer cells to multiply.

  8. The white color of sugar is given by a food additive known as E 220, the substance that causes health problems, the most common being gastrointestinal.

  9. Over time, sugar consumption can lead to increased gastric acidity, bowel degradation, and sclerosing of blood vessels.

Sugar "hides" in almost all food in store shelves

Unfortunately, not everyone knows that sugar is not only found in sweets. Many manufacturers in the food industry use sugar for its very good preservative quality, adding it to marketed products for extended shelf life.

This is how sugar is present in foods that many of us have never imagined that it could contain this sweetener. Maybe you can not believe, but sausages, beer, yogurt, mustard, instant soups, canned or ketchup contain smaller or larger quantities of sugar. Attention also to the carbonated juices that unfortunately most of the children drink daily! And they contain sugar.

The doctor's advice:
When you feel the desire to eat something sweet it is best to eat some fruits. They contain enough amounts of sugar and they also have many vitamins needed by the body.
Do not use sugar, which is a chemical sweetener 300 times as sweet as sugar. Sugar is also called E 954 and is based on toluene, a petroleum-derived liquid. Also swallowed other sweeteners such as aspartame (E 951) or sucralose (E 955), a chemical synthesis sweetener.

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