How to easily give women the taste of organs


Very easy women argajama 's taste will . Two researchers say , modern sexist text books,embryology , sariratattba and psychology many things to avoid girls are . Over the past 15 years, the woman's genitals talk to the ' inner klitorisa ' - the words of the being . But a book ofExpanded explanation was not given . But this thing does not exist . Because the klitorisaoutside a organs , the male genitalia like . But the women in her position outside the nine , saidbhinsenajo .

Dr . Jioliya said , and many times sexual experts ' klitorasa bhalba , " says the pratyangake pointwas . But it should be called ' Vistibular bulbs ' . Indulgence during the women 's part of theexcitement as the man ' klitorasa complex , " said the . But this is a ' female ' Pennies " balataisuperior .

Women men want more than that bisati spontaneously separate the , it's the woman's genitals , as well as vaginal . Male gender bahihmukhi the woman's sexual gender does not , however, a woman's genitals as well as the vagina . The vagina is the female gender to sexual intercoursemixed goes . Vaginal sexual arousal time Slippery the rise . Because of the sexual excitement ,the juice of the fluid from the vagina of the woman becomes juvenile . 

Orgasm or argajama What ? This is the way it is ?

Sexual response cycle time is stored in the sexual arousal of a sudden discharge of the resultingsexual pleasure characteristic pelvic region, rhythmic muscular contractions occur there .

That intercourse last consequences caramananda gain . This condition is called the orgasm orargajama . Men in the ejaculation the orgasm cum caramananda profit is .

Male organs

Male orgasm or argajama the meaning of the human semen was just before the moment ofejaculation the orgasm cum caramananda profit is . That condition is said to be an orgass .

Girls' organs

Women in fact are different women and their sexuality enjoyed by the entire mentaleti with .Their children, like human semen does not . There is no special abscess or emission like semen. 

Women's sex is about 9 cm about 3.5 inches in normal form . But it's different when changesare such as sex time , a child born during the masturbation or sbamehanera time . Women'sgenitalia with the relation of the same magnitude part of the sarabina . Women genital athyatvagina almost thirty types of silk arts  There are also . They are deep and sex during sexpressure to bear on the can . Woman's genitals to turn lactic acid were : voiced that . Ityaunarasa or mucous called that . This sexual incentive one type of liquid .


Women's sexual arousal in the final phase of the fluid of women's genitals climb out of therunning to be . Women other internal yaunangagulo is , uterus , pelabhisa , ovarian , etc . Uterusor iuterasa women's sexual life, for the most commonly required . The same with the importantand is . Women's sex Life tatothika important organs of the ovary or dimbasaya . Sex of theman's penis , pure semen women obharite ovarian submission is and her later in the fallopiantube down the uparisthiti part of the obhidakta . It is an organs related to faloopyan tubes . Fatmuti this is the woman's internal organs . Which by the woman's sex life fully is .

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