Hacking Life: Control Your Mind, Control Your Reality

We are mobile computers, constantly processing information, assessment scenarios and making decisions. Our sensory organs can take in millions of bits of information a second yet our consciousness can only handle a small portion of that. How do we decide what to focus on?

The simple answer is we don’t.

Our minds develop patterns to help us recognize information and group it into families. We then choose different groups to focus on based on our wants and needs.

Let me give you an example. Pretend that you are in the middle of the desert, you have nothing to drink and you are feeling a bit parched. Your mind will automatically begin scanning your environment for sources of water. Given enough time, and desperation, your mind may begin to even fabricate perceptual stimuli to trick you into continuing your search (survival mechanisms are awesome!).


This is an extreme example of the phenomena but shows us how strong our minds are and how we see what we want to.

Why is this important?

When you understand that the mind is fallible, and sees what it wants to, you begin to question your perceived reality a bit more. Was that guy really pissed at me, or did I simply perceive it that way because I “felt” like that was the most likely scenario. We are constantly walking around seeing things the way we “think” they are, instead of seeing them as they actually are. This can lead to some large perceptual errors; however, when we really grasp how we are perceiving things, we can begin to shift things in our own favor.

Take this for example. You are looking for a new job and you are worried about not finding it. What if you could trick yourself into perceiving things as if you already had that job? Do you think this would affect the likelihood of you successfully finding it? I think it would, and I will tell you why.

If you believe (belief = perception) that you already have the job then you would most likely:

  • Act more confidently because you are no longer worried.
  • Experience a decrease in stress and anxiety (leading to increased performance).
  • Attempt opportunities you may not have because you are not worried about the outcome.

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The possibilities of this technique are limitless.

It’s almost like you are creating your own virtual reality world that you can live and exist in. Obviously we want to remain connected to consensus reality; however, we get the luxury of adding the “skin” that we prefer. Try it for yourself and see how it works. You might be surprised.

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