Overcoming Self Judgement and Comparing Myself to Others at the Gym


2017 was the year I finally decided I wanted a change. I joined the gym and started focusing more on weight training than I ever have. However, it wasn’t as easy as it sounds. I struggled with being comfortable in the gym, and found that I was always comparing myself to others (still guilty of this sometimes). This lead to me not going as frequently as I wanted to, and not doing workouts on my own.

Thankfully, I had my best friend/boyfriend Daniel with me. Just like always, he was there to push me to be the best me, the person I wanted to be, but was a little scared to reach for. I started with following his workouts, modifying them to fit my needs. It wasn’t until about 4 months ago that I actually started doing my own thing at the gym. It took, what felt like, all the nerve in the world to go to a separate room full of unfamiliar people. But boy am I ever glad I did.

We go to the gym quite regularly now. I do my own thing, Daniel does his, while still helping me out when I need it. I still have days when I don’t feel like going, or when my self confidence really isn’t doing the best. Finding the inner drive to go, even on these days, is what makes for a better workout.
I love rest days, but I have finally reached a level where I equally love hitting the gym and getting a strong, satisfying workout in 

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