A few thoughts about happiness and mindfulness on World Happiness Day. 🍀

Dear Friends, yesterday, on the 20th of March, we celebrated "World Happiness Day". But one of the first messages that I have heard in the morning was that “Sudan”, the last male Northern White Rhino died the day before and that this subspecies is now very likely to vanish (as only 2 females remain alive). 😔 That is very upsetting because it is caused by man's greed and selfishness. 😔 If you are interested, I warmly recommend you to read this article written by @valth, whose posts are always a great source of information about nature and science!

But wait! I wanted to write about happiness. Here it goes!


To put you in a right mood play on of those songs, or both 😁 , and S M I L E to me and to yourself! ❤️

Many of us, including me, have a tendency to postpone things that make us happy for later because we have so much on our plates now. But this is a vicious circle. Therefore I am grateful that the “mindfulness” movement is more and more present and popular. And you know what? Don’t let others mislead you by their miraculous transitions. Becoming mindful really takes time and it is a process. You will not change the way you see things after one session or just by adjusting your will-power. Jon Kabat-Zinn created a mindfulness-based program, already recognised and promoted across the world that takes 8 weeks in order to learn how to truly be “mindful”. 8 weeks, guys, not days or hours! (To avoid your questions- no I didn’t do it; I’m a self-learner beginner; there are books that can guide you through the process). So even if the process seem discouraging, the important is to be good, supporting and carrying to yourself, to show yourself love. 😊


What is “mindfulness”?

Mindfulness is a technique which can help people manage their mental health or simply gain more enjoyment from life. It involves making a special effort to give your full attention to what is happening in the present moment – to what's happening in your body, your mind or your surroundings, for example – in a non-judgemental way. Mindfulness describes a way of approaching our thoughts and feelings so that we become more aware of them and react differently to them.

What makes me sad is seeing young people continuously sitting with their smartphones, making photos for Instagram (or facebook) that show how happy/lucky/fortunate they are. After posting the anxiety arrives with questions like “what if people won’t like it?”. And then the void.

I feel truly fortunate to be born in the eighties. I don’t like making generalisations but you really can see a difference. We grew up in an analogue world where we were making friends at our schools’ backyards, and later on, in pubs and parties. We tend to be more focus on a real person and real relations. Therefore we remain less addicted to the virtual reality.
Oh, that reminds me of “Jamiroquai” 😍 😅

“Futures made of virtual insanity now
Always seem to, be governed by this love we have
For useless, twisting, our new technology
Oh, now there is no sound for we all live underground.”

Yesterday I have read an interesting article in one of the psychological magazines written as a tribute to World Happiness Day. Nothing new, nothing revolutionary. But undeniably still up to date and still demanding to be reminded as often as possible! After all happiness is crucial for our mental health.

I don’t like to be coached. I don’t particularly like people who call themselves “coaches” because a majority of them lack a proper knowledge and experience. So I am the last person to give you the lame set of indications that works for everyone and always. Life’s more complicated than that. We’re more complicated than that.

Nonetheless, I believe that there are some small things that we can add to our lives in order to be happier and more healthy. They are universal, basic and essential for our everyday mental health and comfort. Let me underline that some changes will not appear effortlessly. They require your dedication, creation of lasting habits and attention.

The Article was listing things that we should include in our everyday lives in order to be happier. I propose you take a look at a list below and if you are missing some of those puzzles, maybe this is the right time to include them in your life? For the sake of your happiness and well-being! 😁 ❤️☀️ 🍀
(In brackets you’ll see my comments)
☀️Smile more (and seek occasions to laugh; watching comedies and stand-up may help 😁).
☀️Meditate (even 5 minutes a day makes a difference).
☀️Sleep more (do I really need to write about the benefits of a good-night sleep?).
☀️Practise gratitude (and yes, this is really important for becoming a happier person!
☀️Help and be kind to others and to yourself!
☀️Exercise (even if you are not a sports type of person; after all, your brain needs and deserves some fresh air, right? 😁)
☀️Spend more time in nature (the reasons seem pretty obvious I suppose. 😉)
☀️Spend (more) time with your close family and friends. ❤️
☀️Travel (more).

Although the list is already lengthy, I would add 3 more things:
☀️Avoid “mindless scrolling” of your phone. !!
☀️Do what you love/what inspires you more often.
☀️Try to be mindful; I use the word “try” because as you already read, it’s not always as easy as it may seem.

Thank you for being here with me. I hope until next time!
Pura Vida and enjoy your journey! 💛

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