How to keep fit in an office job

I've worked in an office for just over a month year and in terms of health and lifestyle, I don't feel it's particularly different to being a student.

At university, I spent most of my time sat down at a desk either on campus or off, so I wasn't exactly getting a lot of exercise. During first year I signed up to the gym as it was half price and barely went as I preferred to go with friends..who had their own schedules. Before I got into going to the gym, the most exercise I got was walking back and forth to uni or to the local takeaway haha.

After working in an office for just a few weeks I started to feel so tired and it reminded me of my uni days. The only difference: instead of having to be in a 1 hour lecture with my brain engaged, I'm sat at a desk for majority of the week, where my brain really does need to be engaged 100% of the time.

So, what advice would I give to you?

Avoid eating out of boredom/just because the food is there.
I've been pretty guilty of this in the past and I also see no end of people snacking whilst waiting for something to happen and it's what I'm trying to avoid doing.

-Bring in healthy snacks, like fruit & nuts :)
-Don't bring loose change to work with you, you'll be surprised how easy it is to over eat!

  • Eat filling and satisfying meals, it's more likely for you to snack on things because you're still hungry.
    -Keep hydrated, drink large amounts of water you'll go toilet often but sometimes your body just wants hydration not food!
    -Learn how to say no to temptation, if colleagues offer you unhealthy snacks which you know you really shouldn't eat saying no will limit your binging habits.

Move around

When you're in an office job it's easy to sit in your desk chair for the entire day. You begin to feel lazy. Make time to exercise outside of work - find exercises that you'll enjoy!

Don't go it alone - try to motivate your work colleages or team up with those gym bunnies!

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