Running. Hate it or love it?!

Personally, I love to run!
A lot of people don't like to, but hey, to each their own!

How about you?

Probably the single best thing about running, for me, is the high!

There's no feeling like it when you're hitting a full stride and your lungs go from burning and in pain, to a state of euphoria!
It may sound odd, but for me, it's better than the high I've gotten from various drugs I've tried! ;) No bullshit!

Not only is running a good way to achieve a natural high, it's very beneficial for your cardiovascular system!
Obviously, it keeps you in shape too... :)

My favorite runs are probably on the beach, in the softer sand.
My muscles have to work even harder to keep me going and to stabilize my body as I pace myself from pier to pier.
I like the extra tone it gives me though!

Do you have any favorite places to run?
Do you even enjoy running at all?!


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