Place to Visit : Cukang Taneuh, Katang Nini Beach, Pangandaran Beach - Ciamis, Indonesia

Cukang Taneuh
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Cukang Taneuh provide unique view with Cijulang River which is equipped with canyon from the ground on two sides. At this location, you can trekking, canoing, camping and other activities. The cleanliness is still awake and the river flanked by these two great hills will surely amaze you.

To visit this place, you must travel 90 km from Ciamis City to the west to pass Pangandaran, Paringi and Cijulang. The next trip will use a motorized boat towards Palatar.

Karang Nini Beach
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This is one of the tourist sites that you should not miss if visiting in the area around Ciamis. It is located in Emplak Village in Kalipucang sub-district. If from the direction of Pangandaran, the distance you must travel to this location is about 10 km. There, there is a very unique view of the coral shape that resembles nini or grandmother. Not only that, even you can also enjoy the bonus of other sights such as a natural aquarium in the mouth of Cipangbokongan and well water wells seven as a list of interesting places in Ciamis.

Pangandaran Beach
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Your vacation will also feel more complete by visiting this one beach. Many mentioned if this beach is one of the most exotic beaches in Java with many activities you can do such as scuba diving, surfing, snorkeling, boating and enjoying the panorama of sunset. So, you do not need all the holidays in Bali to do the same activity.

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