Hacking the Cold/Flu Season: How to heal at home with whole foods


Staying well over the holidays is key to making the most of this time of year!

Winter is here in full throttle. Sniffles, coughs, colds, and fevers galore. I'm not a fan of getting the annual flu shot, though. Haven't had one since grade school. And I rarely get sick with the cold/flu bugs! So I want to share some simple recipes for a successfully sick-free season.

Nutrition is the main preventative and the best lifestyle support to keep your immunity high year round. Sugar is the biggest culprit this time of year for so many suppressed immune systems and the spreading of viruses. Our immunity drops when we eat/drink sugar... that means cookies, fudge, candy canes, alcohol, eggnog, and hot chocolate. So, to keep the kiddo's and you healthy it's best to avoid all that pie and gingerbread, or better yet make some homemade treats with monk fruit, stevia, or xylitol for sweetener instead of cane sugar. You can still enjoy the fun while you steer clear grandma's sticky pudding. (Sorry grandma, but can you make that gluten free, dairy free and with an alternative sweetener this year?) #healthyAF

There are a few sugar replacements I recommend that are actually good for you, unlike those full of aspartame that cause neurological damage and contribute to Alzheimers. The most recent find was MitoSweet, a blend of alternative sweetners made by Bulletproof. I used it in my cookie recipe this weekend and I couldn't tell a big difference, it taste great and is beneficial to the body! Here is link to a list of Bulletproof alternative sweeteners that I recommend. SO SWEET

Prevention means we get prepared. Other nutritional preventative measures include hydration and lots of veggies. It's easy to avoid drinking cold water and eating our vegetables this time of year since it's not hot out or salad season, and it's so much more comforting to sip on a latte or snack on starch. Yet, the last thing you want to do is lower your immunity and become susceptible to the cold/flu by consuming foods/drinks that deplete your body of minerals and vitamins. Such as sugar, alcohol, coffee, excess grains, gluten, and most food grown in mineral deficient soil (aka all those over sized fruits and veggies that are mostly water and have low nutritional value). This is one more reason to opt for non-GMO, since on top of it being horrible for the planet, GMO foods are made for mass production and commonly have low nutritional content that contributes to lowered immunity. So, break out your steamer and warm those organic veggies!!

Another preventative and medicine for the cold/flu is sleep. If you rage into the night singing carols and playing poker with the fam while letting the kids stay up until midnight bouncing around on marshmallows and cookies with milk, you're in for a long few days of recovery. The combination of sleep deprivation and sugar intake is the perfect recipe for a ho-hum holiday. Adult bodies are most in sync with natural bio-rhythms when we wake up at 6am and go to sleep no later than 10pm. This means, anyone who stays up for Santa may get some cough drops in their stockings, lol. No, I'm kidding, but it's a good measure.

If you do get sick however, and you need some quick support to kick that cold/flu so you can enjoy the holidays with family and friends... I have just the solution ;) I'm on day 2, and I do this anytime I feel an cold coming on. I can honestly say that when I stick to this strictly I stay well/get well within 2 days.

Digestion is the hardest thing your body does in a day, meaning it takes the most energy. If you are sick, have a fever, sore throat, chills, cough, runny/clogged nose, or feel low in energy and depleted... it's time to relieve the body of the task to digest. When our body is free to heal itself, and not distracted by digestion, it can heal itself quickly! When the body is digesting it lowers it's focus of fighting sickness, so let your body focus! My protocol is to go on a liquid diet.. drink lots of tea, water, and broth for a day or two to kick the brunt of the symptoms.

Add lemon and a clove of chopped raw garlic to your water a few times throughout the day for extra antiviral/antibacterial support. Garlic is by far my favorite remedy for any bacteria/virus. Some people add honey to their garlic lemon water, but I don't recommend it unless it's high quality, raw, and has some royal jelly in it. Or just use bee pollen. That's where the antiviral/antibacterial properties are in honey, in it's raw un processed state. Processed honey has lost almost all of it's nutritional value by the time it's bottled.

If you jump on the liquid diet and catch it early enough (the first sign of fatigue/scratchy throat) the symptoms can pass within hours or a day or so. This doesn't mean you are in the clear yet! Once the symptoms are gone, it's time to build immunity again. So after a day or two of liquids it's time to add in raw and steamed non-starchy veggies for another day or two, or until you can smell and taste things again. When your unable to smell or taste your food, it's an indication that the body needs a break from consuming it.

Once you are over the hump you can slowly add in your protein and starch again. Hold off on processed sugar though! Prevent a second bout by keeping hydrated, sleeping regularly, eating your veggies, and using healthy/low glycemic sugar substitutes.

Some herbs/remedies you can throw in the mix at any point for added support:
***Eluthero (is a root, so it is best used as a tincture/decoction)
***Echinacea (is a flower, so it is best used as a tea)
***Oregano Oil (mix with small amount of water as can burn on it's own)
***Colloidal Silver Water (homemade is best for potency)

Thanks for reading!
Hope you have a happy holiday, and check back soon for more content!

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