The motivation for sports: 10 tips to make more sports (1-5)

Even though I work, study and up-to-date in the evening, I was asked for my driver's license do sports every day. This was not always the case. A few years ago, I was simply lazy and have done nothing to something biking. What has changed? Today I show you 10 Tips with which increases your motivation to take more exercise.

So get your motivation to sports:

Tip 1: The inner attitude

if you want to do more sports, but not on the order you will receive a small Saboteur, seems to sit in you once you have to outwit. For this I recommend the following: Certainly, there is a reason why you want to do more sports. Maybe you want to remove, build up muscles or simply improve your body feeling. Imagine now once before, you have a year trained diligently, and hast set thy goal has already been achieved. How do you feel in your body? Free, agile, energetic, cheerful, dynamic? Take a few minutes and enjoy the feeling. You also like to put it figuratively. A great feeling isn't it? Try to internalize this feeling now and call you regularly, especially before the training units back into the body.

Why are we doing this? You are creating a shortcut in the brain - factual and emotionally - that sports nothing annoying. It is a means to achieve your wellbeing. Our brain would like to receive "rewards".

Tip 2: Note Slip

it may seem very simple, but believe me, it can act. To take a blank sheet of paper and writes for example: "Today nice sport?" This label depends now (!) in a conspicuous place in your apartment, you often goes by, for example, on or next to your door. Whenever you pass on this label, you will now remember that you have to take more exercise. It is best you active every day a couple of times before the slip and consciously and actively ask yourselves: "That's right, I have nice sport? And if so, what and how much?"

So that our brain don't get too attached to the piece of paper and these hides in the usual way, I recommend to change the position now and again.

Important: I commend to you the paper to your computer, television or work place to hang out, or in places that your otherwise spends a lot of time. I had my memory slip past beside my computer freezes. The result: Of course, I focused the whole time on the PC. My brain has become accustomed to the fact that a piece of paper in the background, and this then has simply ignored.

Some of you will now say that such a note slip, not just the motivation for sport increases, but merely a reminder. This is only partly true, since the motivation, his goal is always to keep in mind and not to displace it. You know determines the sentence: "I want to make more sport." How many times have you already thought about it and are not being addressed? Or did quickly ceased? With the reminder list you may lose your target is no longer from the eyes.

Tip 3: Remove obstacles

the man is designed from the ground up. The more hurdles we have to overcome in order to implement something, the greater is the likelihood that we didn't take it. A concrete example: I used to maybe every few weeks bike. My bike always stood in the cellar. Before I leave so i had to trudge once the bike, what through our narrow staircase was no fun. And when I'm done with, I had to back down. For the most part this was an unsolvable task and it has cost me no more than 5 minutes. Nevertheless, these 5 minutes was enough to deter me from cycling.

My solution was to simply connect the wheel in front of my apartment. I just need to go out on your bike, and I swing, and you're good to go. Since I ride a bicycle every day. I go though the risk that it is stolen, but is it really better to have a bike, which is safe, but never used? So asks: Where are the barriers that prevent me from sports? It may be that you help your sports bag pack the day before. Or even better: the bag should always be packed into a state in which it is ready to handle. For example, you can use the sports bag to take to work.

Tip 4: There are no excuses

"Ne, now it is already too late. In addition, I am also too tired. And I also just have no time." Yes, yes, there are many excuses your session today. Forget it! There are no excuses! The only excuse is, if you really are ill or on the entire body aching muscles. Otherwise: 20 Pushups can be seen in 1 - 2 minutes. A few dumbbell exercises or even jogging around the block as well. You must also take time to eat, drink, to go to the toilet, etc. And if you are honest, then you don't get time to completely senseless to make stuff like watching TV or on the smartphone rumzudaddeln. So, the time has come. A few minutes anyone can apply on the day. You come from work and are tired? Believe me, after the first movements, your circulation back to Zack.

So the next time with you when you're on the discuss internally and is once again on the search for excuses are, to say the same: "Stop! There are no excuses." The more you do it, the faster you will release your inner resistance.

Tip 5: sports together make up

one or more sports partner can motivate each other better. Also in groups usually makes sport more fun. But beware: do not depend on you. If your sports partner has no time once again, this is not a reason to leave the sport completely fail.

The best way to implement the tips catches today. Listen with resolutions on how to "morning / next week I begin again with sports." It doesn't work that way! Do it now! However, please note the following: Sport is healthy and important. But don't overdo it. Start slowly and increase your training then more and more to avoid injury.

This guide has helped you or do you have other tips? Then leave a comment.

Hope you enjoy the first chapter of tips,
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