Mirrors are not our friends: My body positive journey and banana oatmeal cookie recipe

Mirrors are not our friends when our perspective is blurred. Until we can see our true reflection looking back at us in that big shiny mirror it's best to just stay away.


At least that was my method when focusing on getting my body back to a place where I could be naked and feel good again. After having Kai my world was rocked. I had never had a body image issue and then suddenly had a giant body transformation with a ton of excess fat EVERYWHERE! I know everyone's body changes after giving birth but I really thought I'd be one of those people who would go right back to their pre baby size. You know the ones I'm talking about... Where they have a flat belly just days after giving birth. Dreaming big I guess. Lol.

I was definitely NOT one of those women. All the excess weight was really hard to deal with honestly. Several months after giving birth and I still looked about 5 months pregnant! Eeeeek! Granted I did gain an extraordinary amount of weight through my pregnancy. I think by the end I gained about 50lbs!


Holy shit did I really gain 50lbs!? Yes Jamie... Now put down the brownie

I so desperately wanted to feel good and confident about my naked body again! After months of silently body shaming myself every time I looked in a mirror I just stopped looking in mirrors. Except of course for our bathroom mirror which only allows you to see from your collar bone up so I could do my hair and tweeze those pesky stray eyebrow hairs.

I started focusing on how I felt instead of how I looked and boy oh boy did this change everything for me. I started eating cleaner and doing workouts at home. Whenever I could fit in a little 5-15min YouTube video between running around with Kai I would or I would do various sets of sits ups and planks and squats. Or we would go on a long walk together which was extra great cause we could all do that as a family! Yay!


On a long family morning walk

My body started to feel really great after a very short while of doing this! Strong again, actually I started to feel stronger than ever! It didn't even matter what I looked like cause I wasn't looking in mirrors so whatever. I kept at it slowly but surely increasing the intensity and eating super healthy till suddenly I realized I felt great and not only from the inside but I felt great about my whole being!


Hiking up a mountain with the boys

I looked in a mirror again and was shocked to see the change. I still was no where near where I once was but I am a new person with a new body that I love and appreciate like never before. My body not only birthed our beautiful son naturally but it was also strong and just getting stronger. And then I realized that my idea of sexy has transformed right along with me. Strong is my new sexy.

This video was made at 7 months pp, I am now at 13 months pp and much stronger and feeling even more delicious!

During this process I gave up eating a lot of things that just weren't helping me in anyway shape or form, like brownies. But when those sweet cravings hit they hit hard! I needed a replacement to satisfy myself so I turned to making my own healthy cookies. When we are home we end most days with a tray of these, everyone loves them and you still feel great after eating them. Yassssss!

To make the banana oatmeal cookies I mash a super ripe banana or two then add equal amounts of oatmeal and oat flour (which I make by simply blending oats) till the consistency of regular oatmeal cookies is achieved, moist but not wet. I then depending on my mood add various bits and flavorings or just leave them as is. Today I'm going to add crazins amuse we have them and they are delicious!


Then form the cookies and bake them on medium high heat till lightly golden and enjoy!


Picture 1 Source: https://giphy.com/search/is-that-what-i-look-like

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